Saturday, 20 June 2015

Thunderbirds Are Go Heavy Metal review

This is a very simplified version of quantum physics, here's  what you need to know, a Hadron collider has generated a gravity well that international rescue needs to find a way to shut down. and this is a very sciency episode, doesn't mean it's not a good one.

Let's look at the not so good first, that being something that returned from runaway; Alan's obsession with the Hood, and then there's a sub plot with Brains, I suppose it's kind of cute though, these are kind of minor issues I have. What's good about this episode is the scenario, I have no idea how quantum physics actually works, but the idea of a gravity well is an interesting obstacle for the thunderbirds to tackle, and it gives some really good moments, like when thunderbird 1 gets caught in the well and goes into a dive. People who read my reviews will know that out there solutions to tough problems are typically something I classify as dumb, and I feel inclined to call their solution to shutting down the gravity well a dumb one, especially given how stupidly heavy thunderbird 2 probably is. But I can't deny that this episode  interested me, and that it was fun, and like I say, science, along with Thunderbirds, good mix, and decent episode.

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