Sunday, 14 June 2015

Serious Sam HD game review

Let's mix things up with a game review.

Serious Sam is a funny game, don't expect a big, epic cinematic campaign with deep story and characters, don't expect mind blowing graphics, don't expect having any sense of order or control, Serious Sam is very, very far from serious. the game pits Sam against huge hordes of monsters, usually big open spaces, and tasks him with wiping them out. from that descripton the game doesn't appear to have a lot of depth, and it doesn't, but it makes up for that in the amount of enemies and the amount of bullets. there is kind of a story, with Sam going back in time to stop some bad guy from wiping out humanity in the future, but it doesn't matter, you play Serious Sam to kill big groups of enemies with big guns, and this game does that beautiful.

the game often puts you in a large open space and throws a shit load of enemies at you, enemies which you dispatch with a wide array of guns, including pistols, shotguns, rockets, miniguns, laser guns, and a cannon, yes, a cannon, like one from a pirate ship. all the while rock music blares in the background and Sam cracks dumb one-liners that just crack you up. like Duke Nukem,Sam is a satirical epic action hero, with big guns, big guns, one-liners, and more big guns, but unlike Duke, Sam isn't a tired old joke, Sam knows what he is, like to game itself, where as Duke doesn't. Serious Sam doesn't try to be deep or epic, which is partly where Duke Nukem failed, it just wants you to feel godly while laying waste to thousands of enemies, and it nails it, when the rock music starts and you see the horde approaching, you know you're in for a good time.

this can be a bad thing though, as the novelty of practically being on god mode will eventually leave you wanting more, and it's lack of depth will leave you somewhere disappointed, play the game in short bursts, playing for several hours at time will get old fast, and there's a lot of game here, with the first and second encounters together coming in at about 14 hours long. If you do get bored, hopefully the bounty of hidden areas and secrets will keep you engaged, because there's a lot of them. something that will never get old is the Headless Kamikazes, whose glorious screams continue to crack me up even just thinking about them; AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. something else that never gets old is the boss fights, because the bosses are some of the biggest I've seen in a game, like Shadow of the Colossus big. Being a tiny little human taking down such a huge creature is ridiculously awesome, and when they spawn you do feel a sense of holy shit I'm supposed to fight that thing.

verdict, Serious Sam is not for everyone, but it's worth taking the risk to find out if it's for you, because as far at big dumb mindless shooters go, Serious Sam is a shit load of fun. try it out chumps, it's at least worth a try.

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