Wednesday 11 November 2015

Thunderbirds 30 Minutes After Noon review

Here's what you need to know; a villainous gang has some nasty plans that won't bode well for anyone in the blast radius, International Rescue is called to rescue the unwilling bombers and save the day from total destruction.

This episode is very enjoyable, first off I really like the opening with the hitch hiker and the really tense drive to the office, really, the first few minutes of this episode are great, nail biting stuff. International Rescue show up pretty fast, and while the rescue has some tension with the fire, it's a bit questionable how they got the rescue car in the elevator shaft, it's not distracting, but it's something I thought, like how the bad guy planted the key in the guy's office but didn't just plant a bomb, cut out the fluff, you know. but that brings us onto probably this episode's most interesting element, it's story, I really like the idea of the bracelets here, and it makes me think what I would do if someone strapped one of those bracelets on me, I'd probably panic and capitulate to their every demand if it meant surviving, though I think that's what most people would do. I also like that you never see the boss, it's something you don't see often, and it's so funny and cool to only see a hand or a back of a head, very old school. This episode however, at least I feel, has a similar problem to Edge of Impact, in that the cool rescue equipment IR use isn't all that cool, and this time it's a plasma cutter that can blast open metal doors, which sounds a lot cooler how I said it than it actually is, it's a very time consuming process. However on the flip side of that, it really ramps up the tension as the time ticks down, and one of my favourite sequences in the episode follows, when Thunderbird 1 disposes of the bombs, that was some tense shit. All in all, I liked this episode quite a bit, it tells a very cool story that I liked, and it had a few very tense and very great moments, as well as some awesome bracelets, but the rescue equipment  does lack the charm or coolness of something like the Elevator car of the Mole, still, I liked this episodes, and it's worth checking out.

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