Tuesday 10 November 2015

Fallout 4 first impressions (spoilers)

This time last week I had no plans of getting Fallout 4, but at some point in the last week I've had a change of heart, I personally never got into Fallout 3, but probably down to me having a job now and working with people who were freaking over Fallout 4's looming release, I just said fuck it and took the plunge, and from what I've played so far, that might have been a good call. First off while the game was installing I watched the little S.P.E.C.I.A.L videos, and they were hilarious, I loved their style, they reminded me of really old cartoons that I used to watch, but with some not very kid friendly violence, I really enjoyed them. Something I have mixed fixed feelings on it the little pre game expositional prologue, sure it's handy if, like me, you have very little to no knowledge of the Fallout universe, but I think this game's intro would have been much cooler if they just dropped you into it, with your 1950's house and your atomic cars and the absolutely awesome robot house keeper, more on him later. In fact, no, more on him now, Codsworth was fucking awesome, I think I laughed at every line he said, he was hilarious, and I like the contrast between friendly funny butler and floating ball with 3 arms, one of which has a buzz saw on the end, and they let him change the baby's nappy, what the fuck. Something else I loved was how fast and how hard shit hit the fan, one minute you and the wife are in the baby's room, then Codsworth calls you into the living room and says you need to see this, then it's run for your god forsaken life and get to the bunker, it's so fast and it's really effective. The 'big story scene' where your wife is murdered and your kid is kidnapped, I suppose we need a reason to leave the safety of the vault, apart from all those nasty radroaches, but really I was a bit indifferent to this scene, it got the story going, in that it did it's job, but little more, at least for me. But now for the real goodness, you leave the vault, and from what I've played the game world is amazing, I don't know how big it is, but what little I've seen is great, and you know what, I really like the way it looks, I didn't go into this game expecting Halo 5 level graphics, or sound for that matter, but I personally think the graphics and the world itself look damn good. Comparing this game to Halo 5 again, as a shooter this game is nothing on Halo 5, but that's really unfair, I'm guessing the point of Fallout 4 is not shooting, but the shooting is fine, it works, what I'm more interested in is the dialogue system, which is more fun and more interesting, even if aside from Codsworth and that minutemen guy I don't really think much of the characters so far. I did however enjoy the shit out of killing that big demon thing with a mini gun, it's always fun bringing down something with a skull next to it's health bar, most badass. I think I need to figure out the in-game menus, because I'm a bit stumped by them to be honest, but I'm not very smart, so maybe it's me.

So far I'm liking Fallout 4, even if I've only played about 2 hours of it, it's a game that makes me a bit sad that it came out on a Tuesday, bear in mind I have a job now, and on Friday I plan on getting Tomb Raider, because it's a game I want to play more of, and a game that does that is an alright game in my eyes, hell, I could beat this game and say it's a marvel, best game ever, but for now, Fallout 4, me likes.

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