Saturday 10 October 2015

Doctor Who series 9 Before the Flood review

Spoilers ahead for Doctor Who.
Here's what you need to know; the Doctor is forced to leave Clara behind, and travels back to the village before the flood to unravel the mystery and stop the ghosts.

Where do I begin. I'll start with what I like, I thought the Fisher King was awesome, he was huge, menacing as all hell, and pretty well designed, definitely not the scariest Doctor Who monster ever, not even close, but he's pretty unsettling. Now for the characters, because my god, Prentis, he is the most wretched little mole man, he's on screen for about 4 minutes and that's enough for you to hate him, intensely, he's so fucking annoying. The crew of the mining base are also annoying, there's not 1, but 2 really sloppy romances, both of which weren't even hinted at in last week's episode. Also, the mute one, is she deaf or is she not, she seemed to understand Clara just fine, but then can't hear an axe being dragged across the floor, a very loud one. And then she narrowly escaped having her head caved in by, get ready, sensing vibrations in the floor and being able to predict exactly when to evade, Daredevil style, using some super sensory form of vision. Yep, it is that fucking stupid. Then there's of course the stupid bootstrap paradox that is the Doctor's plan, it makes no fucking sense, that or it's explained extremely poorly, either way it makes no sense, and the amusing explanation of the bootstrap paradox at the beginning really doesn't help, maybe I'm stupid, or maybe it's stupid, I'm going with the latter. At least the Deus Ex Machina in The Witch's Familiar made some kind of sense, this one just doesn't, and to top it all off, the ghosts aren't explained, at all, and the Doctor's ghost is explained so dreadfully that they shouldn't have bothered.

This episode is a mess, it's story is confusing and poorly explained, as are the ghosts, it's ending is pure crap, a bootstrap paradox that makes no sense at all, even for a paradox, and it's characters graduate from flat do down right fucking annoying, I actually might write a follow up to this review if my mind changes or I manage to make more sense of this thing, but currently, I have a strong dislike for this episode.

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