Saturday 11 July 2015

Thunderbirds Are Go Crosscut review

Here's what you need to know; Thunderbird 1 and 2 are sent in to investigate a mysterious radiation spike in Africa, and find a dire threat to the local population that they now have to stop.

of the 3 episodes that had already aired, this is the closest in tone and pace to the original series, which is to say this episode is much slower than for example Space Race. This episode also has much less machines than it does people, which is a big part of that slower pace and closer resemblance to the old series. The problem with this is an increased emphasis on story, which I felt kind of went flat when a plot involving the Hood was introduced, even if it's a tiny part of the episode, also this plot is just less interesting than Space Race, and less  tense, and with a decreased emphasis on the Thunderbird machines, there is less fun to be had here. Speaking of machines, this episode features the Mole, sort of. Replacing all the specialised machines from the old series are now little yellow pods that can be fitted with various attachments to suit different situations and environments. while at first I didn't like this, it does make more sense than the specialised machines, and opens the doors new options that the writers can play with. That doesn't save the episode from having a plot that isn't very interesting and doesn't allow for much machine action, which in this new Thunderbirds series is a bigger hindrance than it sounds. While it introduces new ideas to the series, and better captures what the old series was, this still isn't a terribly good episode, not even close to Space Race in tension, and with a plot that's  not as interesting as Ring of Fire or space race. This is the weakest episode of the series so far, but this is also only the 3rd episode, so I still want to see how the rest of the series goes.

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