Wednesday 22 July 2015

Holy shit

So, I am packing, and I was digging around in my draws for the various charger cables I'll need and look what I found. This puppy is old, I don't know exactly how old, but I remember getting it as a present when I was in Primary school. This is my PSP, and god damn, the memories I have of this thing; countless monsters slain in God of War and Resistance, countless laps around Ridge Racer and Ridge Racer 2. Countless awesome racing and dogfighting memories from a little game you've probably never heard of called M.A.C.H. And as it so happens, many of those memories are from when I was in Tenby, so no doubt this is coming with me. I don't even know if it works, it's probably a good 8 or 9 years old. And I wouldn't really blame it for not working, not just because of it's age, but because of how awesome a run we've had. And besides, these PSPs are relics now, obsolete in the wake of mobile gaming, but I'm not forgetting it, sadly though, I just wish I remember where I put the games for it.

This is a short, and admittedly random post, but just look at the damn thing, I couldn't not give this thing a little bit of respect when I found it. And it really deserves more respect, I think, so; a toast to the PSP.

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