Monday 20 July 2015

Let packing commence

 And In a matter of days I will be hundreds of miles away, no doubt roaming nomadically armed only with my camera, as I explore the uncharted wilderness of wales. Just kidding, I'm not going to the wilderness of wales, though roaming nomadically with the camera is what I will be doing. This does mean that my blog will be quiet for a few days, probably around 2 weeks. To keep up with my regular content, I will be doing my Saturday content a few days early this week, and next week's Saturday content will be later the following week. So expect reviews of the next episode of Thunderbirds and Doctor Who probably on Thursday. Now I must prepare for my holiday; since I plan to get as much done as I can while I'm there, I must go prepared. And by get as much done as possible, I mean take many many many photographs, and explore as much of Tenby and the surrounding area as I can; as well as the usual touristy things, though not sunbathing, sunbathing's boring. I really hope I won't be disappointed by whatever I find, given how long I will be spending walking up long beaches in search of interesting shit to take photos of. even if don't find shit though, I real miss walking up long beaches, I just miss Tenby, I haven't been in 2 years and apparently the old cinema is now a poundland, god damn, the place was falling apart anyway, but a poundland, that is depressing as shit. I watched Thunderbirds in there 11 years ago, and now I think of it, that is a much more depressing thought. But that gives me an idea, I should review that movie, that will be fun, tearing that movie apart. This is somewhat of a ramble, but it's just to say basically that my blog will be quiet for about 2 weeks. and when I return with a stream of content, so brace for impact.

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