Wednesday 23 December 2015

Thunderbirds Vault of Death review

Here's what you need to know; Parker isn't a fan of investigating an emergency at the Bank of England out of fear of running into an old friend, unaware that now the only hope for a banker suffocating in the sealed vault is International Rescue.

It's bizarre that how I remember this episode and how I feel about it having just watched it are 2 completely different things. I remember not being a huge fan of this episode as a kid, thinking it was boring, so I'm genuinely surprised by how much I enjoyed this episode, because I really did like this episode. I'll begin with one of the funniest things not just in this episode, but Thunderbirds in general, Parker and his efforts to keep him, Penelope and the banker away from the vault, the story behind his reasoning is really funny, as are his efforts to slow their progress, and the comedic timing is very good here to. It only get's better when Penelope drives FAB1, she isn't a terribly good driver. When the Thunderbirds show up things aren't all that interesting, but there is a decent amount of tension as the air in the vault runs out, it's no Trapped in the Sky but it's enough to keep you interested. Again though the highlight of this episode is the stuff with Parker, and how funny it is, and the way this episode ends is also extremely funny. I do have a bit of an issue though, and that's how much they talk about how impenetrable the vault is before closing it, it gets a bit annoying at a point, like they know it's not true and they're trying to convince themselves otherwise. But really that and the slightly boring Thunderbirds story are the only issues I have with this really funny and really enjoyable episode, made by the Parker stuff and with some good tension and a really funny ending, it's worth a watch for sure.

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