Saturday 5 December 2015

Thunderbirds Are Go Extraction review

Here's what you need to know; International Rescue have another tough day ahead when an illegal gas mining station is consumed by the earth, trapping a seismologist and his son underground, but things get even worse when the gas threatens to blow them all off the face of the earth.

This episode starts with a very interesting idea that outside of Cry Wolf from the original series has never really been explored in Thunderbirds, and that is how children view the Thunderbirds, not going to lie, if I was 11 and I lived in a world where the Thunderbirds were real I would absolutely be obsessed with them, because they're so damn cool. From that point though this episode goes more in the direction of Terror in New York City, with Thunderbird 4 trying to navigate an underground labyrinth, it's a nice little homage that I really liked, and to be honest, I don't know which one I prefer, which is either a compliment to this, or a detriment to the original, purely on principal, but sod principal. The underwater portions are pretty cool, more on that in a sec, but I was more interested in the Thunderbird 2 stuff, as Thunderbird 2 is tasked with somehow moving the mining station without burying or blowing up Thunderbird 4. However, 1 element with the Thunderbird 4 stuff really stuck out to me, and that's the times Gordon has casual back and forth with the kid, that doesn't sound like much, but it's really important, and it's ridiculously cool to see it portrayed in an episode, as Gordon tries to keep their spirits high throughout the rescue, this, like the idea of the kid being an International Rescue fan, is a really fascinating idea for this show to explore, and I want to see more of it in future episodes. Really the only issue I have with this episode is how the finale isn't as cool as I think it really could be, for example Gordon falling into the cave doesn't really do anything that adds to the story or situation. But all in all there are things in this episode I felt worked well and I really liked them, and I can honestly say I really like this episode, definitely worth watching.

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