Wednesday 30 December 2015

My favourite films of 2015

2015 has come and gone and I went to the cinemas a few times during the year, to tell the truth I haven't seen a huge number of new movies in 2015, but what I have seen I have ordered and I will now share with you what are my favourite films of 2015, I'm not saying best because again, I've seen a pretty small number of films this year, so this list will be very subjective, with that said, here we go.

Number 10 is Spectre.
When thinking about this film again, I remember still liking Craig as Bond, I remember thinking other reviews gave the love story in this film a little too little credit, and that it had really awesome action, but I also remember being a little bored for the first half and thinking the villain was completely wasted. It is nothing in the shadow of Skyfall, but it's still a film I enjoyed watching.

Number 9 is Jurassic World.
Another film that seemed somewhat divisive among reviewers, I personally really liked it, only one film I saw this year made me even half as giddy as Jurassic World made me, I still don't know what happened to me after I left that cinema, but it was great, and in my opinion, while it obviously had flaws, I had a lot of fun with Jurassic World.

Number 8 is Ant Man.
A film I didn't see in cinemas, the only one on this list, I instead watched it on Blu Ray after a friend got it for me as a Christmas present, and as someone who's never really watched any of the Marvel movies, I really liked Ant Man, I liked it's characters, it's action, and it's comedy, if anything it and Guardians of the Galaxy just make me really want to watch the other Marvel movies.

Number 7 is Crimson Peak.
It's del Toro, it being on the list was an inevitability, sure the main character was boring, but then the twins stole the show, the film looked fucking stunning, and had some really cool and freaky looking ghosts. I know it's not del Toro's best work, but I still really liked it.

Number 6 is Kingsman The Secret Service.
A film that I often joke had to go up against the cinematic torture device that was 50 Shades, but still held it's own like the plucky little British super spy it was. It was a film that knew it was stupid and rolled with it, and it ended up being a really fun spy movie with cool characters, cool gadgets, and an absolutely insanely badass shoot out in a church.

Number 5 is Inside Out.
I love me a good animated film, and Pixar was once the king of animated films, Inside Out reminds me of that time, it's up there with films like Finding Nemo and Up and WALL.E as the best Pixar can offer, and I really, really liked it, it's the film that will probably appeal to the widest demographic on this list, but I struggle to see how anyone can dislike Inside Out.

Number 4 is Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation.
This film ticked a lot of the boxes for what, for me, makes a good spy action movie, it had fun action, cool and intense espionage, funny and likable characters, and an engaging and interesting story, it's villain was a bit weak, but Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg and Rebecca Ferguson more than make up for that.

Number 3 is Mad Max Fury Road.
This film blew my expectations out of the water, after hearing such amazing things about it, I genuinely didn't expect to see a film that surpassed my expectations, it has incredible action, an insane and completely nonsensical plot, and 2 great leads on the run from a menacing and cool villain, and incredible action, can't stress that enough.

Number 2 is The Martian.
The Martian is a very, very good film, it has an extremely likable cast of characters, spear headed by the amazing Matt Damon, it's funny, dramatic, intense, beautiful to look at, and it has so much juicy science, can't get enough of that science.

And Number 1 is, of course, Star Wars The Force Awakens.
This film has changed me, where once there was no love for Star Wars, there is now a burning excitement to see whatever comes next in the trilogy that starts with The Force Awakens. I love this film's characters, the story is very similar to Star Wars in a lot of ways but I still liked it, it had exciting action and some really awesome emotional moments. And then there's of course Rey, who might be my favourite character of any film this year, she was fucking awesome, as was the film as a whole.

Feel free to disagree, but from what I've seen this year, these are my favourite films, even if there were things in some of them I don't like, I'm getting all of these on Blu Ray if I haven't already, like I said at the beginning, I haven't seen anything close to the number of films that came out this year, but I liked what I saw. Now onto 2016, which I hope will be just as good as 2015.

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