Saturday 19 December 2015

Thunderbirds Are Go Comet Chasers review

Here's what you need to know; Alan might just get his wish to get up close to Halley's comet when a rich explorer get caught in it's tail, but the comet's tail is a very dangerous place, even for the Thunderbirds.

Apparently Alan is a complete freak for astronomy, I mean, he wasn't this excited when they went to the moon. It's something I can believe to an extent, him being the astronaut and all, but it's a bit odd that this side of his character suddenly appears 20 episodes in, and to the extent that it does, but I really don't blame him, who would, I'll be 63 when Halley's comet makes it's next flyby, and I'm a sucker for science and space, I'll be excited too, in 45 years. Something I really liked in this episode was the comet itself, it just looked cool, and the closer they got the cooler it looked. On the other hand the reason they were there; the explorer, I didn't like so much, he was annoying, plain and simple, him and his cheese, and his stupidity, flying into the tail of a comet, and not wanting to wear an EVA suit because they look uncomfortable, I really didn't like him. Back to what I did however, I liked the rescue, with everyone hopping around from boulder to boulder, and Thunderbird 3, which apparently has a giant drill in it's nose cone, coming to pick them up. I'm not sure what to think of the drill, it seems like a very odd thing to have stored away in Thunderbird 3's nose cone, but at the same time in the way that its used, it makes sense that they would have it, it also makes me think vivid will bring out a supersize Thunderbird 3 with a big drill in it's nose cone, which would admittedly be pretty cool. And I like Alan when he's on the comet, it's just a cool moment for his character, as is when he throws himself off the comet after the explorer, I did like that a lot. And there is some good excitement in this episode towards the end, as everyone makes their escape and the world falls apart around them, and that's always good. All in all this episode has one really unlikable character, but really no other pressing issues, what works works, to mixed degrees but it still works, and there is excitement and fun to be found in the rescue, making this overall an episode that isn't the best this show can do, but something that's still worth watching and that I'd still recommend.

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