Tuesday 22 December 2015

Star Wars The Force Awakens spoiler review

So I've done my spoiler free review of The Force Awakens, now it's time to go into detail, and discuss some spoilers, which is a warning, big spoilers ahead for The Force Awakens, so don't read on if you haven't seen the film, now I've given my mandatory spoiler warning, let's spoil the shit out of The Force Awakens.

 ok, first off, like the original trilogy, it opens with the roaring John Williams score, and one of my viewing party didn't seem to see this coming, and jumped out of his skin when it happened. Then I love the first shot of the film, it's something that immediately stood out to me; it's a shot of a planet, then a First Order ship slowly moves into frame and eclipses the light from the planet, it's very unsettling and I really liked it. From there we see the cute little BB8 droid, who, far from being an annoying little robot in the film for the simple reason of selling toys, is actually a really cute and likable little fella, he's the kind of droid I'd go out and buy a toy of for the same reason I'd get a Rey toy, he's a cool character. And good job Abrams for making a metal ball that only talks in bleeps and bloops more likable and cool than anything George Lucas could come up with in the prequels. Poe is also an awesome character, right from the first scene when he stays to fight the First Order rather than running for his life. Which brings me onto the First Order, who slaughter a village, because why not, sure it's really grim, but it makes sense, the First Order doesn't yet have the same power as the Empire, a power that could easily maintain control through fear alone, the First Order isn't that feared yet, so they'll be more inclined to be more brutal in their methods to achieve that fear. and when Kylo Ren uses the force and freezes that blaster round in mid air was insanely awesome. Finn's desertion was a bit brief in my opinion, but what I really liked was the friendship you immediately see with Finn and Poe as they escape the First Order, in addition to being a fun action scene, it was a great character scene for those 2. Now to bring up Kylo Ren, who is a very interesting character, at first glance he's a big evil bad guy dressed all in black with a menacing helmet and voice, then under the helmet you find he's a completely normal guy, this may sound stupid, but I really love this about him. a big part of his character is the very serious emotional issues Ren is suffering from, he is afraid that he won't live up to the image of Darth Vader, with the mask off you realise that the mask, the black, the voice, the violent outbursts and abuse of the force, it's all just a show he's putting on because he want's the power Vader wielded but can't have it. and you see this when he's trying to read Rey's mind and she fights back. I started loving Rey when she sat eating her portions at the foot of a wrecked AT-AT while wearing a Rebel pilot helmet, that was cool. It does seem a bit odd at first that her and Finn escape in the Millennium Falcon, her being able to out manoeuvre 2 special forces Tie fighters and navigate the wreckage of a Star Destroyer while having no experience flying ships in her entire life, but now I realise something, that was a clue, Rey is one destined to become a Jedi master, and, while none of us knew it, not even her, that flying sequence was her being in tune with the force.

The scene pictured above is a scene I wanted to see the instant I saw the image of Rey scared out of her mind with Ren's lightsaber right next to her face, that's freaky shit, and I really liked that scene. Starkiller kind of gave me goosebumps when it blew up an entire solar system, really the Death Star was pretty crap, it could only blow up one planet at a time, but then I realise that Starkiller exhausts stars to powers it's gun, not very efficient, that isn't. Back to Kylo Ren for now, because my favourite scene in the film is next. Han solo is Kylo Ren's father, and he confronts him to try and turn him to the light side, the minute Han stepped onto that bridge I knew he was going to die, and I love the interaction they have, as Ren is clearly conflicted, torn between the dark side and his own father, but he chooses dark side, and murders Han where he stands, that was pretty damn hard to watch, and funnily enough, the last time a character death hit me that hard in a cinema was the last time I saw a J.J. Abrams movie in cinemas, I adored it. now for one of the most awesome scenes in the film, the end lightsaber battle with Ren, Finn and Rey. it's a vicious fight, trees are getting scorched and falling over, Ren burns Finn with his lightsaber hilt, and it's amazing that Finn didn't die after one solid hit right on his spine, that was one mother of a hit. and then for the force to awaken, in one of the coolest things in the film, Ren uses the force to pick Finn's lightsaber out of the snow, it pops up, flies right past Ren and into Rey's hand, that was stupidly awesome, it really was, and I'm now really looking forward to Rey being a Jedi Master, that's just going to be awesome to see. that was the moment I was settled on Rey as my favourite character in the film , and the moment I really got excited for Episode VIII, I didn't want this film end at that point, but it must, so VIII hype it is. less awesome I thought was that they show Snoke in the film, I think what would have been better is keep the scenes with him in, but just don't show, let our imaginations run wild, let us fear this Snoke, rather than ruin the surprise in the first film, I didn't think they'd show him here, and I'd have preferred it if thy hadn't. finally we have the ending, where Rey goes to an island in the middle of the ocean, and on the top of the island she finds Luke Skywalker, yep, he's in the film for all of 30 seconds and doesn't say a single word. I personally really like this cliff hanger ending, because unlike most cliffhangers, this one didn't piss me off, unlike another recent space opera with a cliffhanger ending, *cough* Halo 5 *cough*.

I've given it some thought, not settled yet, but The Force Awakens might be my favourite film of 2015, and this spoiler ramble I hope explains while I feel the way I do, this film is still an absolute must watch in my opinion, and I'm pissed off not that the film lacks a conclusive ending, but that I have to wait 2 years to see these characters that I love again, and that is a fantastic thing for a movie to do, this is a fantastic movie.

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