Thursday 3 September 2015

thoughts on Women as Reward - Tropes vs Women in Video Games

So the acclaimed media critic who's series has a 1.8/10 on IMDb, Anita Sarkeesian has put up a new video in her web series Tropes vs Women in Video Games, this time 'exploring' the women as a reward trope, so let's look at this video, here are my thoughts.

First off, Anita, I love you're little trigger warning at the beginning of the video, not safe for children, doesn't that contradict that your videos are educational, and"used by parents to spark conversation with their children," but oh well, it isn't the first time you contradicted yourself and it won't be the lt. As for graphic sexual content, as of writing this I haven't watched  the whole video, so let's see what examples she gives. Let's begin with an inconsistency with what she is saying, in her section about alternate character costumes she criticises female alternate costumes as sexualising and objectifying female characters, and lists off a bunch of examples of these costumes. Now, to a gamer, these alternate costumes are a joke, you'd think that these costumes are just the developers having a laugh, but of course that's not true, the devs are sitting in their offices twirling their moustaches and stroking their white cats designing these costumes to demean women. But when she hints at this treatment also being a applied to alternate skins of male characters, she addresses that these are just seen as jokes, what is that double standard, Anita, either they're both fine, or they're both not fine, you shouldn't hold this double standard. Also, most of the examples she gives are in Japanese games, Japan, a country known for having a wacky culture that is known to carry over to their games, and if it's so rampant in all games, why A the focus on Japanese games and B Resident Evil, think of some better examples for god's sake. On the subject of Japanese games, you use Metroid as an example of women's bodies being used to reward the "Presumed straight male player," first off, who is assuming that the players are all straight males, who other than you? And as for straight, how do you know it doesn't titillate a lesbian female player? here's the thing Anita, games are a massive industry, there is no 1 audience, there are many, many audiences that different games appeal to for different reasons, so how do you know that no lesbian female has ever played Metroid, you don't know, because you can't know, not without the numbers that A don't exist and B you wouldn't cite even if they did. Meanwhile, god fucking damn, how sexually arousing do you think a 16 bit video game character is? And Metroid came out in 1986, that was 29 years ago, we know your audience doesn't play video games, but let's pretend someone watching this video is a young and impressionable straight male gamer, what are the odds he's played Metroid? They're not good are they, so how is it relevant, and if you're using it as an example of a trend setter, it's still 29 years old, the industry have changed massively in that time and you'd be a moron if you disagreed.

Anita, games these days are rather generous with experience points, just look at a game like Call of Duty, where players are awarded XP points for pretty much everything, now compare that to saving chained maidens in Conan, or sleeping with women in God of War, I'll focus on God of War because I've played God of War, clearly more than you have done, Anita. God of War is a an adventure game based on Greek Mythology, now I'm not sure what you know about ancient Greece, admittedly I don't know a huge amount, but just google image Greek art and you will see a lot of art of naked people, not just women, but men, in this regard God of War's naked women could be a reflection of art. also, if you want to talk about idealistic sexualised female bodies and then you use God of War as an example, have you even seen Kratos, again with the double standards. also, these sex scenes in God of War are optional, you know, you're not forced by the devs to have sex with these women, you can always just not do it, and just as easily get the red orbs by vanquishing monsters. Earlier than this in your video, you claim sex is used as a reward in gaming, and then give the example of Ride to Hell, this is a shit choice Anita, for numerous reasons. Let's start with the obvious, who the hell has heard of Ride to Hell, and more importantly why do the people who know of it know of it, it's because it is a piece of shit, it is an abysmal game that no one in their right mind would ever play it, the creepy fully clothed sex scenes are actually one of many flaws, and to point this out as specifically what is wrong with the game proves you haven't played it, just how much 'research' have you actually done? You then use The Witcher, remember when I said the gaming industry has changed, for a while now games have been developed that target a more mature adult audience, games with more complex and mature stories, more realistic characters that must overcome adversity both massive and personal, The Witcher is an open world RPG game, so it would naturally have a long list of things you can do, including having sex with prostitutes, it's the same as playing golf in GTAV, which, like prostitution, is also optional.

Ok, Anita, on Xbox I have 35000 gamerscore, now tell me how much of that is for having sex with women in games, because I can tell you that the answer is in double digits at absolute best, you are aware that achievements are awarded to the player for a host of things, like progression based achievements or achievements for collecting all the collectables, how many achievements do you think there are in the Halo series for having sex with Cortana or Miranda Keyes, because the answer is 0, is there an achievement for having sex with Elizabeth in Bioshock Infinite, no, is there an achievement for having sex with Anya in Gears of War, no, thank god I am typing this and not saying it because hearing Anita Sarkeesian talk makes my blood boil. This is stupid, Anita, you have cherry picked examples like God of War and GTA, and misrepresented your examples to make your point. Achievements are not literal rewards for achieving sex with women you fucking idiot. Now let's move on deeper into the shit shall we, when Anita defines male entitlement, Anita, you are insane if you think what you have said is actually true, you paint all men, not just gamers, but men, as misogynistic sexist pigs who feel entitled to the bodies of women, and yet where is your proof, oh wait, you have none, because none exists. And tell me when men send demands to female players asking for nudes or demanding they get out their boobs, because I have got to tell you, in my personal experience, I've never seen it, not once, and what's more, what's to stop the woman from telling them to piss off, do you think they lack their own minds and are just slaved to the whims of men, you misogynistic shitbag.

I'm sorry for that little outburst, I was watching Anita's video hoping it wouldn't come to that, and I was responding to the 'arguments' she made
 but for the love of god, when some con artist comes in and starts 'criticising' an industry I love to forward her agenda, especially when that agenda involves sucking the fun out of everything and more importantly accusing billions of people of being evil by virtue of their existence with absolutely no evidence, Anita Sarkeesian, you receive 'abuse' because you never address criticism or provide evidence, and you receive abuse because you are a piece of shit, and this is yet another video that shows why so many people hate you.

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