Wednesday 16 September 2015

The Strain season 2 The Silver Angel review

Spoilers for season 2 of The Strain ahead.
Here's what you need to know, Abraham and Dutch travel to the vampire-free Staten Island in search of an old colleague of Palmer, Eph decides to bond with his son when he and Nora aren't working on their anti-vampire bio-weapon, meanwhile Gus has a run in with a familiar TV face.

At first I didn't know what to make of the little black and white film at the start of this episode, but as it went on, I started to like it, I never stopped thinking it was weird, and I don't yet see why it was needed, but to be fair, it was a fun little snippet of really cheesy Luchador vampire killing. That said something I really don't understand is the Silver Angel himself, why is he important, because in this episode he doesn't do anything other than watch old Luchador films and be a dick to Gus, I don't know, maybe he'll become important later in the season. Speaking of Gus, I liked the scene where he and the Master were talking, I just thought it was creepy watching the Master taunt Gus using his turned mum. Meanwhile the part where Eph, Nora and Fet are delivering the infected vampire is just ridiculous. It kind of reminded me of Walking Dead with how casual and calm they are around the vampires, but that's not what I found truly ridiculous in this scene, that I won't spoil. What's going on with Eph and Nora's bio weapon is also really cool, it seems to really be getting somewhere in killing the vampires, but I just have this nagging feeling that something is very wrong, and I thought it the minute the vampires started throwing themselves off of rooftops, I don't know if I'm right, but I think the Master is playing with them, that that little mass suicide was just a card in his game. Once again I must say Zach is a bit weak, there's a scene with him and Eph with a really forced flashback. On the subject of flashbacks, the flashback with Abraham and Palmer I felt doesn't really add anything, other than maybe showing why Palmer joined the Master, or at least hinting why, and throwing in the possibility that a religious artefact that no doubt still exists, might not actually exist. Finally, the subway scene with Fet has officially determined who is my favourite character in this show, Fet's just awesome, that said, I am unsure on his arrest. Surely someone as awesome as Fet can get in at least a couple more hits before being beaten, quite viciously I might add, also, how is his arrest going to fit into the overall story of the season, I also said that about Angel, and, in Vaun's absence, Gus, there's a lot of loose threads, though I suppose we're only 4 episodes in. To be honest this episode is not better than Fort Defiance, obviously there are things I liked, like the Luchador film and the stuff with the bio weapon, but this episode only really had about 3 cool scenes, and the loose story threads are piling up.

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