Friday 29 January 2016

Lazer Team movie review

Here's what you need to know; for decades the US government has been secretly preparing for Humanity's first encounter with aliens, and has prepared a Champion to challenge whatever terror they bring, a champion armed with an alien power suit, that, instead of reaching the champion, ends up in the hands of a crew of idiots. Now the crew of idiots are Earth's only hope of defeating the looming alien threat, and they call themselves the Lazer Team.
yep, I did watch this film, in a cinema, and I don't think I was this excited to see a film since Godzilla, because, here's a little thing about me, I love Rooster Teeth, I am a huge fan, and I was looking forward to seeing a film I doubted I'd have the privilege of seeing in a cinema, but I did, and here we go.

Weirdly, of all the films I've seen in a cinema, I don't recall ever actually watching a comedy, sure I've watched films that have had me laughing my arse off, but I don't think I've ever watched a straight up comedy, but that's what this film is. It is hilarious, and I can't stress that enough here and won't stop trying, this film was never not funny, it kept moving along from scene to scene and the laughs genuinely didn't stop. Part of what made the film so funny was the characters, so let's move onto them, the Lazer Team themselves are great, Hagan is a very good character, he's the Shield, and the de facto leader of the team, and he has a very interesting backstory with another Lazer Team member that comes more into the forefront towards the end of the film. He also has a daughter, who, while not as funny or interesting as him or the other members, still has some pretty funny moments in the film, as well as a pretty hysterical fight scene. She's dating the Sword of Lazer Team, Zach, who, at least at the start of the film, in all honesty, is a bit of an arsehole, but it really works, and he too is absolutely brilliant with the comedy, and he gets more likable as the film goes on. Herman, the Boots of the team, is the character with which Hagan shares an interesting backstory, and while he's probably the least funny of the team, that's not to say he isn't funny. Then there's the Helmet of the team, Woody, who is by far the stupidest of them all, and he's also possibly the funniest out of all of them, a few particular scenes involving his helmet were among the funniest scenes in the film. But like the suit, these characters are at their best as a unit, and they bounce off one another in some purely hilarious ways, again I can't stress enough how hard I was laughing in this film. Now, finally, for the most interesting character in the film, Adam, the champion of Earth, while he's not particularly funny, his backstory is really interesting, and he has to get over a personal struggle in this film that gets kind of emotional towards the end. as far as story goes, this films not terribly original, and it does actually get quite predictable once you get the general drift of the plot, but it's still a really fun story that allows for some sweet action and some comedy that made my lungs hurt, really my only issue with the story is it's ending, which, without spoiling anything, leaves the film on a slightly annoying note, part of me gets why they did this, a 'this is just the beginning' ending, but I'm still not a huge fan of it, even when Rooster Teeth do it.

This film has some pretty kick arse action sequences, I obviously won't go into specifics aside maybe from the final battle that you know is at the end of the film, but they're really fun, even with the shaky cam, I feel I should stress that as far as action scene filming goes, this isn't Taken sequel level bad, it's shaky enough to where you know what's going on and your eyes don't sting, but it's there, and it's something I thought while compiling my thoughts on this film. another thought was the slow mo, this film has a lot of slow mo, and again, part of me understands why this is the case, and like the shaky cam, it is far from unbearable, but like the shaky cam, it's there. from a visual effects standpoint the film is actually pretty impressive, sure it's not remotely comparable to the big budget blockbusters that use far better effects, but for a film funded through crowdfunding, it's very good. the film also makes very good use of said special effects, it's never over the top, so what is here really works, and the design of the various props is really cool too, even if the Sword of the suit looks really, really similar to the Aperture science handheld portal device. but really that can be said of a lot of design choices in this film, it's clear that this film was heavily inspired by a host of movies and video games released over the years, and in addition to the comedy and ludicrous amount of in-jokes, this is a film that I would gladly watch multiple times, in that sense it's actually comparable to the Cornetto trilogy, and that is great. It's also worth noting that, while being a Rooster Teeth fan like myself (and I think everyone else in my screening) is not required to find this film funny, it definitely helps to be familiar with their brand of humour and to be familiar to some degree with their various productions, Red vs Blue, RWBY, among others, it's far less in your face than the last Rooster Teeth anything I reviewed; Ten Little Roosters, but it can be seen as a bit of a negative that some people who watch this film just won't get part of it's comedy, I personally don't have any issue with that at all, but it's worth addressing.

I loved this film, I really mean that, and the last film I saw in a cinema was Star Wars. Lazer Team had me laughing out of control for a large amount of it's runtime, as well as a fun if predictable story with an admittedly frustrating ending, it had fun action, if a little shaky. but where this film really shines is in its fantastic characters, insane hilarity, and it's really fun final battle, along with some nerdier comedy and some clever in-jokes, Lazer Team is a film I've been looking forward to for a long time, and I was not disappointed, I 'd very highly recommend Lazer Team.

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