Wednesday 3 February 2016

Thunderbirds Danger At Ocean Deep review

Here's what you need to know; everyone is left baffled when a cargo ship explodes on her maiden voyage. Brains may have just found the answer to the mysterious disaster when contact is lost with Thunderbird 1 and 2 during a mission, but now a second cargo ship is heading straight for disaster, and International Rescue must act fast to save it's doomed crew.

This episode is one of a few in this series I actually didn't remember that well, for some reason, the reason obviously wasn't anything objective though. This episode has a very creepy intro, as the first Ocean Pioneer sails into a very ominous looking fog, and then vanishes, until the explosion becomes visible through the dense fog, most creepy. Something that lightened the tone pretty quick though was Parker, as ever, this time drunk off his face on Champagne during the Pioneer 2's ceremonial launching, it was quite funny. I did like the mystery element of the lost Pioneer and the strange interference Thunderbird 1 and 2 meet on their rescue, which probably didn't get shown simply for budget restrictions, which does suck, as that rescue probably would have been more interesting to watch than the one we got, more on that later. admittedly I don't actually know if the science in this episode is accurate or made up, probably the latter, but the sciency tingly feeling is always cool to have, at least not when then the science in question is very obviously nonsense. When things come to a head in this episode they do get pretty cool. again we have the very creepy ship disappearing into a cloud of fog, not going to lie, if I was on a ship and we were moving towards a cloud of fog, I'd be somewhat spooked, nothing to do with this episode, and I wouldn't exactly be quaking with fear, but I'd be unsettled. this episode presents a very interesting idea, limited to only close range radio because of the interference, the only thing they really have to go on is sight and sound, one of which obviously obscured by the fog, it's not an idea that's played with much, and I would like to see more, but the fog itself was just cool to look at in this episode, and it was, minus that, used to great effect. the rescue itself however was less interesting, again this episode lacked the cool Thunderbirds equipment, and while this should be a very tense situation, the tension wasn't really there, and that really is a shame. what's more of a shame though is while the foggy ship rescue was the one we got, the hospital rescue, where they take pod 3 and come back all muddy, that would probably have been a far more interesting rescue to watch, we'll never know, but I wouldn't just throw that idea out. All in all this episode does a very good job with atmosphere with the fog, and while the sciency elements sounds a bit off, I still liked it, but it kind of deflates at the end with a pretty standard rescue, made worse by the teasing of another rescue that sounds cooler, but that we'll never see. I still like this episode for the reasons stated though, enough that I'd gladly recommend it, worth a watch.

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