Tuesday 19 January 2016

Thoughts on Strategic Butt Coverings - Tropes vs Women in Video Games

Well Anita, I take it back about your rate of production, 20 days into 2016, and I've already done 2 posts about your videos, including this one. but unlike your last video, that I didn't get pissed off at, I actually got extremely pissed off with this one, which is impressive given how the video is less than 7 minutes long, now, let's be calm and civil and try not to tear this video apart.

I'll start with your title, how do you not realise that this is extremely petty, just how don't you see, I'll go more into this later but hopefully you can see why this is pathetic. ok, Anita, I'm going to take Elizabeth again as an example, tell me, does what I think about her extend entirely from her butt, which is something I don't even recall seeing in the game. the answer is of course yes, because I'm a heterosexual male pig, apparently, that's the vibe I'm getting there, that or women are nothing but pieces of meat, which is it Anita, are you a misogynist of a misandrist? you then go on to point out a load of sexualised butts in third person adventure games that have T or M ratings from the ESRB, I'll get to why that matters later, but then you deliberately mislead people about Tomb Raider Underworld, Lara is dressed like that in 1 level from what I remember, correct me if I'm wrong but she definitely isn't dressed like that for the whole game is she? what's more you don't have to always have the camera angled low looking up at her butt, you can look at other things, unlike Gears of War, where the camera is fixed over Marcus' shoulder because it's a third person shooter, this is not a valid comparison, and further more, you complain that Lara Croft is sexualised, and then sexualise her yourself to prove your point, and then conveniently ignore the fact that Marcus and the other Gears have arms like tree trunks, how are they not sexualised as Lara is, with exaggerated masculine features, and Lara's exaggerated feminine features, it's the same thing, except it's not, because if it was, that would make you wrong wouldn't it? as for Arkham City, you play most of that game as Batman, and just like the Gears, he's a walking tank, meanwhile you focus on Catwoman, whose sexiness is in fact a part of her character, sorry but it's called source material, Catwoman's always been sexy, and she's often had sexual tension with Batman, don't you see Anita that taking that away would be like making Deadpool a PG13, it would be missing the point and a slap in the face to fans of the character. And now, 3 of your examples for sexualised female butts, WET, Bayonetta and Lollipop Chainsaw, not sure if you've played those games, but I have, and I can tell you that they're all ridiculous, some more than others but they're all really over the top and stupid, of course they'll have exaggerated features, they're not grounded in any sort of reality, why do they need to be, other than to suit your delicate sensibilities of course.

and now for your statement that male butts are covered and devs go to "often absurd lengths" to do this, because that's not petty as all shit, because the character designer is definitely sitting there thinking about this shit like it's the most important part of the whole deal. And, I hate to tell you this, but, as a gamer, I do not give a shit about the character I'm playing as' arse, if I wanted sexual pleasure from arses I wouldn't pop in Arkham City and play the Catwoman missions, I'd go else where, but I'm sure that's an issue too isn't it. on the topic of sexual pleasure, does the emphasis on butts in these games reflect the audience, if you're right, and all these  gamers are straight males, why would they want a sexualised male arse, I'd guess they wouldn't but that's just me, and remember those ESRB ratings, most of the games you've cited have T and M ratings, meaning in all likelihood the audience is majority male, which makes me think of Post proc ergo propter hoc, is it possible that the games are in fact a reflection of the gamers and not an influence on them. and now for something you said which particularly pissed me off, butts are defining aspects of characters, are you fucking kidding, are you fucking kidding, no, Drake's arse isn't a defining aspect of his character, you know who else's arses aren't; Joel, Ellie, Elena, Tess, Sully, David, Eddie, Flynn, maybe Chloe, maybe, at a stretch, but certainly none of those others, and you can't blame the devs here because it's all the same fucking devs. also, is it the case that gamers are explicitly encouraged to objectify women in games, is that really the fucking case, is it fucking really, I really doubt it, you know why, because a video game character can be sexy and be developed and relatable, I give you Elena, Lara Croft, Cortana, Elizabeth, Bayonetta, but no, to you they're all just pieces of meat, because you're a misogynist, you fucking are, why else would you say things like females' value only comes from their figure, the only people who've ever said that are stupid fucking feminists like you, because you're a misogynist. and also, a depressing joke, who to exactly, you, because if you're the only one who thinks it's a depressing joke, I don't care. as an example of butts done right, can I just say something, I don't know much about Life is Strange, but you make it looks really fucking boring, my lord, I want excitement and adventure with my games, why the fuck would I want a game set in a high school, am I missing something about Life is Strange or are you saying that all games should be boring life simulators, because I'll stick with my action and adventure, if you don't mind.

Finally we get to your solution to this 'issue' and apparently it's not equal opportunity display, but instead restrict devs' freedom of expression so gamers aren't encouraged to objectify women in games, but instead see them as people, because yes, restricting people's freedom is absolutely the answer, Ms. Fuhrer, of course it is. meanwhile, as we take away real peoples' rights, we will extend the rights they're losing to female video game characters, I agree Anita that they should absolutely be allowed to vote and drive and speak their mind, because they're people, not lines of code. Well Anita, we have reached the end of this long and troubled road, and guess what, I still don't like you, at all. you lie, you spout misinformation, and you propose nonsensical solutions to non existent problems, solutions that actually infringe on people's rights, but that's fine, because the great evil of our time must be defeated, Anita, that evil of course being the terror of butts, hey Anita, I have some advice, maybe, if you're a critic, be a fucking critic, don't be a really petty bitch with a blatant and deep rooted issue with your fellow humans, don't be a victim who asks people for money because you're a poor innocent victim, be a critic. if you do that though all that mone... I mean sympathy would stop flowing in wouldn't it.

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