Saturday 16 January 2016

Thunderbirds Are Go Undercover review

Here's what you need to know; things don't go according to plan when Parker and Penelope go undercover to retrieve a stolen piece of technology, now Kayo is on the tail of the thief while Scott and Penelope scramble to save Parker.

this episode is a bit different from the normal Thunderbirds Are Go, much like Touch and Go, this episode focuses a decent amount on Kayo and Thunderbird S, as well as Scott, Penelope and Parker, and Colonel Casey. what got my attention immediately was the episode's opening, which had a very interesting and refreshing focus on the GDF and their military operations. From there is an episode I do have some flaws with though, and I'll start with them, first off, why is Ned back, I mean, he's a character we've already seen, and the 2 previous times we've seen him he hasn't really been worthy of a recurring role, it made me chuckle when he first showed up, but then he, and he alone, screws up the entire GDF operation, then I found it less funny, he's a character who is very useless, and this recurring role is unjustified, even if I don't necessarily hate him. I also have a problem with the episode's resolution, in which we see the guy who for the rest of the episode was firing missiles at Kayo and wielding the telekinesis plasmid from Bioshock  just bow in submission after literally not even being touched in a 'fight', then blackmailing his way out in a way that I assume is supposed to be emotional and dramatic, but it just comes across as a bit forced. I also don't like how the episode ends after teasing what could be one of two things, either a very dramatic and interesting character conflict, or a poorly executed OMG moment, I'd rather the former, and it feels like the series has rushed to this, after not featuring much of Kayo and the conflict with the Hood for a while, suddenly it's all coming out in 2 episodes, slow it down a bit, it adds to the drama. Other than that, I very much liked pretty much everything else, I loved the scenes with Thunderbird S, as the bad guy of the episodes fires missiles at her, and I liked the scenes near the beginning with the telekinesis plasmid, particularly when he lifts Thunderbird S into the air, and when he drags down a GDF flyer. And the rescue with Thunderbird 1, while brief, had a very good amount of intensity that I realise has become far more prevalent in recent episodes, and that is very, very good. finally, I laughed quite a bit at the role reversal with Penelope and Parker, and the ridiculous Brazilian show Parker was putting on, that was great.

And overall I do think this is a great episode, yes I have issues, like Ned, and the weak ending, which may lead on to the best thing this series has offered so far, or the worst thing it can do right now, but the undercover story with Penelope and Parker was cool and funny, the rescue was fun, and the Thunderbird S scenes were completely awesome, a very good episode that's worth a watch for sure.

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