Friday 7 August 2015

Thunderbirds Are Go Runaway review

Here's what you need to know; a train is out of control in Japan, Scott races out in Thunderbird 1 to try and stop it, only this time he has the company of Brains to help in their race to stop the runaway train from causing a runaway catastrophe.

After a 3 week downward streak of less than brilliant episodes in my opinion, this episode is refreshing, and it's a really enjoyable episode. Something that raises this episode above the previous 3 is tension, just like Space Race, there is a very present feeling of tension as the train continues to speed up and Scott, John and Brains start running out of time. This episode also has a decent amount of Thunderbirds action, and what is here is really fun. Things do get tense towards the end when they really do run out of time. Runaway also has a really amusing scene with Brains, and this is a good  character episode for Brains, as he is forced into a high pressure situation that is way out of his comfort zone, and relies on Scott and John just as much as they end up relying on him. There are a few things I question, like celebrity alligator wrestling, I think I understand why it's in there, to show how close they came to not stopping a disaster, but it was absurd. Also, it's a  recurring joke throughout the series so far, Grandma Tracy being a bad cook, while not entirely unfunny, it isn't gut busting funny, and it gets old. But these are minor criticisms, I think this is the best episode of Thunderbirds Are Go yet, certainly better than the last 3 weeks, and certainly fun to watch.

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