Thursday, 13 August 2015

Good news: I didn't fail

I got my A level results, and I didn't fail, which is good, my actual results aren't so good though. What doesn't surprise me is that I got good results in practical but bombed in the exams, no offence to my media and film teacher, but in film and media what I cared about was nuts and bolts; technique, language, technology, history, not representation of women and Arabs. In all honesty I just don't think the 'potentially harmful' messages in TV and film matter nearly as much as the art of film making AKA what I cared about, what I wanted to learn about. As for photography, an E, seriously? Did I not do enough research and editing, in photography, did I focus too much on photography, in photography, sod off you snobs. I could rant about the stupidity of photography for hours, but it would bore the shit out of you. I expected these for the most part, especially the bombing in the exams and photography being fucked and stupid.

In more interesting happenings, I don't talk much about my writing, but for the past few weeks I've been writing down ideas for a trilogy of sci fi action movies based on a series of English creative writing and film projects from high school, while I'm not going into detail here, people who know me know the name of this series, it has seen countless redrafts and reboots, and up until now has amounted to about 15 minutes of video and a 10'000 word series of short stories, not a lot for an idea I've had for about 7 years. What I like about the newest version is, for starters, it's a complete story, and the smartest draft I've ever written, dealing with topics I again won't go into detail on. I maintain secrecy on my film projects, sorry. What I will be open about is it's a trilogy, and the second one is shit, I think it's weak and lacks any kind of self contained story, something it really needs to save it from sequelitis, so I'm going back to 2 and redoing, and don't worry about continuity, I already know what I'm going to change. When it's done I'm going to write up all 3 films as feature length scripts. Finally something interesting is happening with one of my favourite ideas that I've had. As for new ideas, I have a new idea for a post apocalypse film and a new idea for a horror film based on Five Nights at Freddy's; I know they're already making a movie, but I have fun writing movies and I had a blast playing FNAF, and given all the theories about what it all meant, maybe it would be interesting.

In conclusion, I got my results, they're expected, they don't all suck, but photography sucks, I mean the grade and the subject. And I've got my brain cooking 5 movies for the sake of it, and one of them is a FNAF movie, for the sake of it, I am a boring person.

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