Wednesday 16 March 2016

Once more from the Pit

I still know nothing about this building, it's such an enigma to me for some reason, I really want to know that it is, and why I can't not go down there with my camera from time to time. I tried to go down there on New Year's Eve, but I hit one hell of a snag. while I was on my way down there, a Hail storm rolled in, and I got completely battered. When I finally got down there, after a very long, very cold walk, I found I couldn't get close because the building was under a few feet of water, so I turned back, without gloves on because they fell off on the walk down and I was too numb to put them back on. fast forward to Monday this week, the sun was out, it hadn't rained for a few days, things looked good, so I braved it once more. Unfortunately the building was still flooded, less so than last time, but my only way in was under a few inches of mud and water, and because I'm an idiot, I didn't even consider wearing proper footwear. I did my best around the front of the building though, and got some good ones, I also got some good ones in a nearby farm building in a lesser state of disrepair, and there's a toy in there of course, enjoy.

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