Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Thoughts on Body Language & The Male Gaze - Tropes vs Women in Video Games

Sometimes I wonder if I'm a masochist, after all, every time Anita shits out a new Tropes video, I sit down and watch it, out of some misplaced obligation, of which I have many, but most of them don't make my head hurt, this one does. That's right, Anita Fem Freq Sarkeesian has released a new episode in Tropes vs Women in Video games, this time tackling another sexist issue of our time, the Male Gaze. Story time, I've had some experience with this Male Gaze, and Laura Mulvey, in fact I wrote an essay on her and her theory, yep, because my expertise in cinematography and editing and sound mixing apparently mattered less than some feminist theory that just reeked of agenda driven bullshit, apologies to my media and film teacher, but micro analysis and critical theory was a waste of valuable time and effort. And now that's addressed, let's dig in, it's going to be juicy.

Ok, let's get going, Anita, you conflate video game control with body language, never mind then that body language is a far more complicated and nuanced thing than simply a well timed jump, these are 2 completely different things you are describing, why? More over, yes Anita, body language is in fact a very powerful form of communication, you can learn many things from body language, but what relevance does this have to a video game, how a character jumps is not going to convey a message in the same way body language will, again, these are different things, but like all things, they can, as you say, reinforce gender stereotypes, because you know, everything is sexist, everything is racist bla bla bla. Oh the irony of your destiny point tho, look, Anita, you admit that the female and male characters are treated almost identically, yet you're going to point out an inequality, it's 1 thing, how they sit, now, Anita, I did say body language is an important part of communication, but here I think you're looking too hard, it's 2 characters sitting down. Yes, she's sitting down like the little mermaid, but Anita, have you considered that this may just be a reflection of what the developers know, that's where game devs' expression comes from for you isn't it, but men and women don't sit the same, men have higher centres of gravity, and some sensitive parts that they need to accommodate when they sit down, how ironic, you're making the man spreading argument but this time the problem you have is women. A character's animation and movement is indeed part of their character, as apposed to how they jump, but Anita, I know Catwoman's coming, have you considered that Catwoman's sexy hip sway is part of her character, have you not considered that it's her expressing something about herself, by the way well done for your points on Ninja Gaiden and Uncharted, it's almost like you do understand the significance of body language in communication, even ignoring your conflation of jumping and body language. And there goes the spark, in comes the Presumed Straight Male player bull again, I actually love how you say this, given that gaming has a huge and diverse audience, yet we can always safely assume that it's a straight man playing these games, then you can say he's doing it for sexual pleasure, rather than, I don't know, getting intimate with their lover or firing up the Pornhub, something most people do as an alternative to sexy videogame gals. Hey, I called it, Catwoman, and again, you ignore your own point about body language to argue her butt is sexualised, to which I refute, sexy and sexualised are not the same thing, and I'd consider Catwoman's sexy hip sway as a part of her character, especially given that when she isn't shaking dat ass, she's on all fours like a cat or crawling on a ceiling, you know, because it's a video game. And as for Resident Evil, yes, Anita, people move when they walk, they aren't robots, their body moves to do things like keep balance, or move forward, something most people tend to do while walking. And oh how I love your use of Saint's Row as an example here too, Anita, it's Saint's Row, I know you think video games "intentional or not, always express a set of values, and present us with concepts of normalcy" but it's Saint's Row, I'm not sure you've even played the game because it's not really expressing a concept of normalcy, in fact you can just go to the clinic and just completely swap your sex, does that sound normal to you?

Anita, men walk like normal human beings, and so do women, I'm sorry, but they're not the same, women and men have distinct physical differences, and they are reflected in the way they walk, sure, not all women walk like runway models, in fact, most of them don't, which come to think of it kind of makes your point redundant, because clearly in this case art is not an accurate reflection of life, and Bayonetta, again, if this 'issue' you have was so rampant, surely you'd have other, more high profile examples, and here's a surprising fact, Bayonetta's character was designed by a woman, for some reason I feel that that kind of blows a hole in your logic. And Anita, tell me, how does a vampire move, it's just, I've never seen one in person, so tell me, how does a vampire really move? Well done, immediately following your comment about vampires you blow a hole in your own argument by admitting that some women do walk with a hip sway, but let me guess, women shouldn't be wearing high heels in combat, in video games because life and art are interchangeable for you or something, no, it's apparently rooted in "sexualised aesthetic pleasure" over believability, unbelievable, but again, concepts of normalcy. And now for the part that hits a bit of a nerve with me, Mulvey, Laura Mulvey, Anita, by your own admission, it's a theory, and more over, it's a dumb one, must we assume that all visual media in the world to be structured around a male viewer, even movies like Twilight, or Sex and the City, or the countless paint by numbers romance movies out there, like Dear John, or Safe Haven, or The Longest Ride, or The Notebook, Anita, the theory of the Male Gaze is bullshit, I know, I've studied it. as evident in your next point, perspective of the stereotypical heterosexual man, Anita, what the fuck is that? are you on about technicals? camera angles, lighting, camera movement, clearly not, so are you on about visuals, are you on about Marilyn Monroe's legs, because Anita, I have news for you, men aren't the only people that like looking at women, women also like looking at women. Why would so many women's beauty product adverts feature women, because women like looking at women, with that in mind, why the fuck is it called the male gaze, I have a feeling I know why, after all, we're talking about Muvley here. And swinging it back round to video games, Lara doesn't have much of a choice crammed into that tight space while trying to climb up a rock wall, and again with the Bayonetta, give it a rest, find another example if they're so rampant, it shouldn't be that hard. And now for another spin on the subject object dichotomy, another feminist dead horse that can be refuted with very little brain power, and I think there's more to the relationship between men and women than men look and women are looked at, you misogynistic creature.

No, Anita, the male gaze isn't a rule, it's a theory, a very wobbly one, and by your own admission again, the male gaze isn't just limited to men, so, again, why the fuck is it called the male gaze, huh Mulvey, oh, sorry, Anita, again, I think I know why, and you said it yourself when you introduced this idea. And now for the juicy bit, equality isn't the answer, says Anita, the way to end the non-existent male gaze isn't to create a female gaze, because Equal opportunity sexual objectification isn't the answer. Oh isn't it, so why are men sexually objectified so much, Gears of War, God of War, Resident Evil, Conan, it's almost like the argument you're making doesn't account for the fact that men are sexualised in games if women are, so are they both sexualised, or are neither of them sexualised, you can't have a double standard. Oh but double standards are fine because they are not the same, one is oppressive and damaging for some undetermined and unspecified reason, and the other reinforces nothing, makes perfect sense. oh here we go, lack of clothing and big guns is power and strength, Anita, I dislike you enough as it is, I don't need to know about your sexual fantasies. And finally, men express personality traits in body movement, yet women don't says Anita, why, is it because women are incapable, you misogynist, is it because women are nothing but sexy play things for men, you misogynist. At least you're not a paedophile too, because yes, a 14 year old girl in a video game doesn't walk with hip sway, and The Last of Us, oddly enough, is actually a very grounded game that takes itself and it's story and world very seriously, so of course the less grounded, more fantastical elements of games like Bayonetta or Resident Evil aren't there. And of course, the path to equality is paved in extending human rights to video game characters, recognising their agency and their feelings, because again, they're people too, not just lines of code in a machine. Well done Anita, you've carried on the tradition of pumping out complete bullshit and misinformation in the hopes of what, forwarding your agenda, slandering men, slandering video games, unfortunately you have failed again, you just come across as a misogynist, again, people don't like you because you're a lair, not because you're a poor, persecuted woman, or an out spoken women, you are a bullshit artist and a lair, and that's why.

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