Let's start with the Wonder Woman story, because it's funny. There was a recent feminist uproar about Gal Gadot, the visual masterpiece who plays Wonder Woman, apparently getting paid a slither of Henry Cavil's spoils for Man of Steel, with Gadot getting $300'000 to Cavil's $14 million. But of course, the outraged Feminists were seeing what they wanted to see, and didn't care about reality, because this inevitably got spun into a huge outrage about sexist discrimination in Hollywood, and we saw the dramatic resurgence of the good old Pay-gap myth, and like the pay-gap myth, there's more going on here that the Feminists are simply ignoring. For starters, Henry Cavil was not paid $14 million, obviously people's salaries is hard to come by, but it stands to simple reason that Warner Brothers wouldn't reboot a well known super hero franchise with a new actor, and then pay that new actor an insane amount of money. Being the first in a franchise, there's no guarantee the film will be financially successful, just ask Tom Cruise about that, so why take the risk, no doubt Warner had the same fear about Wonder Woman, a character who's never been in her own big screen solo movie before, played by an actress who was relatively unknown until she got the job of Wonder Woman. It's important to know that not every Hollywood star is Robert Downey Jr., a salary of a few hundred thousand, not including bonuses if the film is financially successful, isn't too hard to get your head around, and with Man of Steel being a few years old, and with Henry Cavil no doubt getting a juicy bonus for the film, which made $668 million worldwide according to Box Office Mojo, a huge salary suddenly doesn't sound too insane does it. Also bear in mind that that's the number from Man of Steel's 14 week run, Wonder Woman looks set to overtake that gross in its 4th week, and has already surpassed Man of Steel's total domestic gross, putting it on track to be the highest grossing DCEU film so far, meaning that it doesn't matter how juicy Cavil's bonus was, Gal Gadot's will be even juicier. So in short, as usual Feminists are looking at numbers they don't fully appreciate, and ascribing an ideologically informed reason rather than seeing the various nuances that influence those numbers. Just like you think they would , Feminists are bolting a narrative onto something because sexism, sexism everywhere, it's an evil, all encompassing patriarchal conspiracy theory, and illuminati of evil straight white men who run the world, when obviously no such thing exists. And maybe there is sexism in the world, there certainly is in areas of the Islamic world where the institutional sexism they fear so much actually exists, but that's the problem, that institutional sexism they fear so much doesn't exist in the west; which is why it's never specifics when they talk about it, it's always nebulous and wishy-washy, with the equally nebulous and wishy-washy goal of equality, they're trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist, as in this case evident by Wonder Woman's insane box office numbers, something I went into much greater detail on in the previous ramble. Ironically, with a film about someone learning that the world isn't black and white, people complaining about it are only seeing black and white, and, like Diana, not seeing the world as it is; nuanced and filled with greys.
Now let's get dirty with the fiasco that struck Vidcon 2017, and let's see just how stupid and horrid Anita can make herself look in front of an audience. The Panel she was on was apparently to do with Women in online discussion, rather fitting since Anita has consistently not been taking part in any sort of discussion, not engaging with critics of her work, not doing public Q and As, and smearing everyone critical of her with the familiar brush of sexist and misogynist, going after them as individuals rather than the ideas they are challenging her with. Many of those people, including Sargon of Akkad, were in the audience for this panel, and as Mundane Matt said in his video, apparently had no intention to cause shit, but were simply there to watch. It didn't take long for Anita to notice them in the audience, a moment you can clearly see in some of the videos of this event, at which point she contacted security, and began a tirade against the group in the audience, seemingly specifically targeting Sargon, who we all know is the biggest and most evil misogynist in the world. In her tirade she called Sargon a shithead who makes dumbass videos, and then calls him a garbage human. Oh how juicy, Anita Sarkeesian being in the same room as Sargon of Akkad, and, from her position as a speaker, speaking down to Sargon, a paying guest, and called him garbage, does it honestly get any better than that? Why this event has caused so many waves is quite simple, Anita, in this case, is unquestionably the privileged one, she's the one on a stage, speaking to a large audience with a microphone, Sargon meanwhile was sitting quietly in the crowd, until Anita launched her verbal attack on him. It's very important to note that this lashing from Anita was not provoked, unless you consider his very presence to be provocative, which I suppose it kind of is, but he wasn't making a fuss, Anita shot first. Honestly, how can anyone trust Anita now when she talks about harassment and bullying, now that we have Anita singling out a member of the audience at a panel and bullying him in front of that audience, it stinks of the finest hypocrisy, because that's exactly what it is. Anita Sarkeesian was always a bully, though with all the positive coverage of her and her work, and the relentless deflection of any real criticism, it was harder to tell, now though we have it on video in no uncertain terms, Anita is a bully, the very bully she accuses Sargon and others of being, while humiliating them in front of an audience at Vidcon. And then you have all the shitheads coming out of the woodwork, applauding Anita for being 'brave', and agreeing that Sargon is garbage, never mind that in this situation, Anita Sarkeesian is the one in the wrong, never mind that Sargon just got publically humiliated in an unprovoked verbal attack, no it's just that Sargon's a snowflake who can't handle criticism. Ha fucking ha you scumbags, and I can call you that, because you're all as bad as each other, and this event proves it. Sargon was doing nothing wrong here, Sargon, as far as I know, has never done anything wrong to Anita, I've never seen a single piece of evidence to suggest that Sargon has harassed or bullied Anita or encouraged others to do so, he has consistently denied it, and I have seen no reason to not believe him. Anita meanwhile called Christopher Hitchens a racist, sexist warmonger a week after he died, blamed men and boys and 'toxic masculinity' for mass shootings, makes numerous disingenuous and nonsensical assertions about sexism in video games and movies, and has consistently ignored or mischaracterised all criticism of her, calling anyone and everyone who dares challenge those assertions misogynistic abusers, while providing no concrete evidence to support that claim, Anita Sarkeesian has repeatedly shown herself to be, to put it bluntly, a lying piece of shit.
That might be a bit mean spirited of me to say, but I like many, many others, are familiar with Sarkeesian and her 'work', which is as lacking in sanity as it is in integrity, since not even once have I seen Anita address criticism, not even once, I've seen a lot of her talking about harassment and abuse, but concede she was wrong about something, nope. This paints a very monolithic portrait of Anita Sarkeesian and her videos; maybe she's just perfect and has never made a mistake, but everyone who's even slightly familiar with both her Tropes Vs Women series and the video games she attacks will know that that's not the case. The integrity of her ideas might at least hold a little bit with people who aren't rabid ideologues if she just ignored the criticism completely, but she doesn't, she instead spins the narrative that all the people being critical of her, all the Thunderf00ts and Sargons and Chris Ray Guns of the world are just evil misogynistic trolls, attacking her because she's a woman in a 'boys club', and because we live in a deepy misogynistic culture where women are second class citizens, like seriously what the fuck, it's an assertion that's just a special kind of insane isn't it. What she either doesn't know or doesn't care about is that playing the victim doesn't make you look good, at best it garners you sympathy, at worst it makes you look pathetic, but either way, the illusion of Anita being a strong, brave, independent woman is completely ruined by her constantly crying harassment and never letting her arguments be challenged. And now we see Anita's more snotty side, one she's never made a huge effort to hide in the past, but now one that we all see, clear as day. Anita, while talking about abuse and harassment on a stage, will gladly single out a paying audience member for harassment and abuse. And what's perhaps even more sickening than that hypocrisy is the support and applause she's received for this, which is why I called these people scumbags earlier, they don't care that they are harassing and abusing someone, they don't care that their favourite feminist is a raging hypocrite, all they care about is the narrative; Sargon is a serial harasser, it's ok to bully him from a stage, and it's ok to dog pile him on social media, because he's garbage. Anita has absolutely no leg to stand on, which makes the fact that she doubles down on her abuse all the more delicious. I just had a look at Anita's blog, and it's hilarious, for starters Anita, his presence was intimidation; I bet Sargon and his friends knew how provocative their attendance was, but is that the problem, or is them being in the same room as you being enough to scare you hugely telling about you, and how spineless you are. I still haven't seen any proof Sargon harasses you or anyone, but you keep saying it, frankly I think you're scared of him because you are too weak to tolerate his opposition to you. But of course, he literally makes money from harassing women, again, fuck all evidence, buts let's move on. Move on to you still playing the victim in this situation, well Anita it's not working, you make the harassment claim seriously about 15 times, but with no proof, and without proof, it's no more true the 15th time than it is the first, on a side note, you also repeatedly claim we live in a misogynistic culture, and again, there's no proof. What I find interesting is what you say in the first paragraph, the part about doubting yourself, Anita, have you ever played a little game called Bioshock, because if you did you'd know that self doubt is what stops you from becoming a monster, it's self doubt, the ability to question your own self and your own beliefs, that makes you open to criticism, but have too much of it and you end up like me, paranoid and with no confidence, not have enough and you see yourself as above criticism, someone who's perfect and who's never wrong, wait, didn't I say that before.
This rabbit hole gets even deeper when Vidcon's people get involved, because of the hideous statement they put out regarding this shitfest. First let's get it out of the way that online abuse is not a gendered thing, it's just not, we've all seen countless examples of online abuse being directed at men, to name a few, Sargon himself has been the target of a lot of abuse since that panel, Mundane Matt has been swatted, among other things, and years ago Thunderf00t's dad died of cancer and the Youtube SJW community made fun of him for it, all of these things can be classed as abuse, I'm sure people who talk about women being abused on the internet have good intentions, but making an issue that effects everyone gendered will help nothing, it will in fact do exactly what it has done here, create a privileged class, a group that can and does get special treatment, which here is women, because equality. This is something that really pisses me off about professional victims, as like I said before, it makes them look pathetic, and while I know Anita has received online abuse, I've seen it, it's nowhere near the organised assault on her that she makes it out to be, it's what most online abuse is, a few idiots on twitter saying mean words. But she then takes that and says look at me, a poor woman, being abused online, and lumps all criticism of her in with that tiny amount of harassment, but criticising Anita isn't harassment, and as she said in the UN, harassment is being called a liar and told you suck, both things that are true, this is her stating, in no uncertain terms, that criticism is harassment, it's fucking sad. Back to Vidcon, and to the thing that really pisses me off, in the statement 'Who's Harassing Whom', it reads "He [Hank Green] told her [Sarkeesian] that her comment had violated our policy, but that he understood that there was a broader context." Hank Green how about you go fuck yourself, because that is one of the stupidest things I've ever read. Picture if you will, a man in court, accused of murder, the murder was caught on camera and the evidence is irrefutable, and the judge says something to the effect of, "you did commit the murder, but I understand that that murder took place in a broader context." This hypothetical man is a murderer, why would he get any leniency, broader context or not, why the fuck is Sarkeesian not being punished for this, why is she getting special treatment. The evidence is irrefutable, she launched an unprovoked verbal attack at an audience member at Vidcon, and broke your policy, by your own admission, but no, she doesn't get booted from Vidcon, after breaking their policies, in fact she gets an apology, Green apologised to her, that fucking worm, oh sorry we didn't nurture a safe enough environment for you, the constant victim. It was Anita you dumb shits, Anita created the hostile environment, not just for her and Sargon, but for the other Panellists, she was the one making people uneasy, even Boogie2988 talked about constantly being on egg shells around her, tell me does that sound healthy; her fellow panellists being too scared to say anything that might upset her. Like I said earlier, she's a fucking bully, she doesn't deserve an apology, she deserves a ban from future Vidcon events, but that's never going to happen, because again, Anita's special, she's everyone's darling, perfect in every way, why would you punish her for, I don't know, violating your policy; harassing and bullying an audience member from the stage, and creating an uneasy environment for her fellow panellists. And because you don't grow a spine and punish her for this, she has no reason to stop being a bully, she's going to continue, because why wouldn't she, when being a bully gets her special treatment, even when she's so evidently a complete piece of shit.
God that really pissed me off, perfect then, since this last topic is probably the least ideal one to talk about while pissed off. On the 19th of June 2017, there was another terror attack in London, a vehicle ramming that killed one person and injured ten more, the third vehicle ramming in London in the last few months. This terror attack saw one significant difference however, the target wasn't the Kuffar as usual, it was Muslims, and the attacker was a man named Darren Osbourne, and what's known about his apparent terrorist is interesting. According to his family, he has problems with alcohol, was suicidal, and wasn't all that into politics, but had acquired a hatred for Muslims, apparently after the London bridge attack on the 3rd of June that killed 8 and injured 48. Which is why I see what I see here, and first I will preface, this is a terrorist attack, the fact that the attacker is white has no influence on whether it is or isn't, a point we'll get back to later. I see this as a retaliatory attack, that's my guess, and I will explain; Osbourne, a man supposedly plagued with alcoholism and suicidal tendencies, and no interest in politics, suddenly deciding to kill Muslims two weeks after an Islamic terror attack in London, there are some dots here that need linking aren't there. Another dot is the target itself, Finsbury Park Mosque, a Mosque that managed to rid itself of Islamic radicalisation after Abu Hamza, it's Imam was put away, while the Mosque is nowhere near the hotbed of Jihad it used to be, it's clear that it was chosen as the target for a reason; Osbourne drove over 100 miles to get to it, and that reason is undoubtedly Abu Hamza and its history of Islamism. As morbid as it sounds, this situation looks pretty simple, a deeply troubled individual who tried to kill himself found a new propose in life after witnessing a series of terrorist attacks on his nation, what brought him to this conclusion is still unknown, but this was, without question, a revenge attack. Which makes the response to this attack all the more sickening, because none of the Islamist apologists that spring up after every attack are here to defend Osbourne. Every time there is an Islamic terrorist attack, we are told the same thing, that it cannot divide us, that it shouldn't scare us, and you have apologists trying to distance it from the Religion on Peace, saying that this is a 'perversion' of Islam, and that it doesn't represent the faith. It's a sickening series of events that occurs every single time, and nothing is ever changed, apart from people's Facebook profile pictures. But now, this is a terror attack being committed by a white man, suddenly there is no apologia, suddenly this isn't a perversion of values, this is proof of how evil and racist we all are, this is reflective of all white people and of British society, because we're the real villains, and, like always, Muslims are the real victims. Suddenly the far right is just as dangerous as Islam, and we are told to fear the far right, we are told to hate people like Tommy Robinson, who are responsible for 'radicalising' white men to commit terror.

Well that was depressing, but I want to see this shit stopped, I don't want any more people to die, non-Muslim and Muslim alike, and I still want to believe that a peaceful outcome is achievable, but honesty, how can you reason with a martyr, when someone's convinced that killing themselves in a suicide bombing or kamikaze car attack will send them to paradise, how can you persuade them otherwise. The problem must be dealt with before it gets to that point, but all the people in positions to deal with it would rather ignore it, or in the case of May and the Tories, use it as a justification for draconian changes in policy. We uphold our values of freedom and secularism, but how valuable are those values if we don't defend them, which we don't, we're too busy sending love and prayers over social media, and thus wasting valuable time to stop this chaos before it's too late, and before we see more retaliatory attacks. Really makes you wonder doesn't it, all of this violence, when the meteor finally hits, how much will the universe really lose.
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