Saturday 31 December 2016

2016: A year of movies

2016 has been the first year of my short life so far that I've actually had my own money, and I've been about as responsible with that money as you'd expect, so not very. One thing I did do that wasn't a total waste however was go to the cinemas, considerably more times than last year, in fact probably more times than in the last few years, and I saw a wider range of films than ever, including films I liked, films I really liked, and films I didn't like so much *cough* Ghostbusters *cough*. My top ten of the year for this year was considerably harder than last year, even if, all things considered, it's still not that many films to go through, because, obviously, I haven't seen every film that was released in 2016, and I'm sure there are a few films released this year that would be here if I had seen them. But of the films I've seen, these were my favourite, so here are my ten favourite films of 2016.
Honourable mentions include Shin Godzilla; a film that marked the return of a king of cinema, and one that had some badass Godzilla stuff, but a by the numbers story and boring, flat characters.
Finding Dory; another film I liked things about, but that didn't live up to the previous film, Dory and Marlin are great characters, but Finding Dory just wasn't the shit.
Star Trek Beyond; a film I actually really liked, and feel deserves more love than it gets, even if it wasn't as good as the first two, and there are ten films I liked more than it.
Dishonourable mention; Ghostbusters, but it's a story you've heard before a thousand times, and I'll get there eventually. And with that out of the way, let's go.

Number ten is Rooster Teeth's first big shot at a movie; Lazer Team. Yes I was probably going to like this film anyway, but I had a lot of fun with it, I found it funny, I liked the characters, and I liked seeing these people that I like putting their efforts into a movie, it was cool, and it was number ten.

Number nine is the first of a few on this list that I didn't get the chance to review when I saw; Kung Fu Panda 3. I adore the first two films in the Panda series, and I thought the third was every bit as good as them, plus this one had Bryan Cranston and J.K. Simmons, which makes up or the lack of Gary Oldman.

Number eight is the second best example of how shit Rotten Tomatoes is to come out this year; Suicide Squad. This film was leaps and bounds above Batman V Superman in terms of enjoyment, with a solid cast of characters, a fun story, some surprisingly feely moments, and some seriously badass action, I liked it.

Number seven makes me wonder why Hollywood doesn't make westerns anymore; The Magnificent Seven. This film had it all, a great crew of heroes, a slimy as all hell villain, and some awesome old west shootouts, plus it's a western, what more do you need, by the way, it also has Haley Bennett.

Number six is the single most annoying cinema experience of my life, The Conjuring 2. A film that really surprised me, as someone who once wouldn't give most horror films the time of day, I found myself very fond of the spooky adventures of the Warrens, and had a lot of fun with this second adventure, even with the wankers a few rows in front of and to the left of us.

Number five is a film that made me curious that they'll one day make a Lion King remake, oh look, they are; The Jungle Book. This film was on TV around Christmas, and watching it again, it still amazes me how good the film looks, and that it was all shot in a studio, and not in an actual jungle. Throw in the voice of god Idris Elba as the villain, and Bill Murray as a talking bear, and you have me on board.

Number four is a film with a long, messy, and riveting history; Deadpool. It's a good thing this film was made, the number of walls it hit during development and production is fascinating, and the fact that it was actually an awesome movie that dominated the box office is just icing on that delicious, bloody, mouthy cake.

Number three came and went, a little film with a little splash, but that everybody who has seen it seems to love, for good reason; The Nice Guys. This film drips with personality, with a pair of brilliantly funny leads, tons of great comedy, and an interesting setting and story, it's a film that seems to get better with age, and I hope it continues to in the coming years.

Number two is a film that got the gears going, and, from time to time, kind of scared me; 10 Cloverfield Lane. This film is dark, claustrophobic, tense, creepy, and riveting from beginning to end, as the plot reveals itself like some demented, mentally ill flower. 10 Cloverfield Lane is a slow burning fuse, and as it burns, you know the explosion is getting closer and closer, and it's brilliant.

Bet you never saw this coming...
Number one is Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. It's Star Wars, first of all, but that's only one reason it's here, as my reviews of Monsters and Godzilla would suggest, I'm a fan of Gareth Edwards, he brings something new to Star Wars, and makes a film that does have flaws, but it's a film that I just love, it's beautiful, fun, has cool, if underdeveloped characters, and an ending that would have really worked were it not for one little thing. It's a great film, and it's my number one.

There's a lot of films that I'd like to watch that came out this year, and I bet some of them would be on here if I did see them; films like Deepwater Horizon, Kubo and the Two Strings and Arrival, three films I hear are amazing, but I didn't see them, of what I did see however, these are my personal ten. I enjoyed more than ten films this year, and I hope 2017 will have just as many films I like as this year did, and unlike this year, hopefully I'll actually review them.

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