Sunday 22 September 2024

Not So Great Britain Anymore

This is a rant that I started writing while on holiday in Wales with my family, during which time, widespread rioting was making front page news nationwide after a bunch of kids got stabbed in Southport. I said in my post about the 2024 General Election that politics will no longer be boring if Reform gets its foot in the door, but I was wrong in the most bizarre way; as Reform have turned out to be boring, while the now incumbent Labour government literally can't go a day without making themselves look like either psychotic tyrants or utter retards. It has been entertaining, in a morbid, frightening kind of way, to watch the very concept of Government in Britain fall apart now that "the adults" are in charge again, and now that the fantasy that the uniparty doesn't exist and that the political structure of the country isn't broken is completely shattered. But I guess we should start at the beginning, not get ahead of ourselves, you know.

On the 4th of July 2024, there was a General Election held in the United Kingdom, and to nobody's surprise, it was a Labour landslide; Starmer's party gained two-hundred and eleven seats for a total of four-hundred and eleven, while the Tories were massacred, losing a mind-bending two-hundred and fifty one seats for a total of just one-hundred and twenty one. This result was a shock to nobody though as like I said in my pre-Election rant, the Tories suck. They'd been in government for fourteen years and in that time, had made and broken countless promises, betrayed their voters again and again, became the most progressive and liberal government Britain had ever seen, while also trying to ban everything, completely wasted the golden opportunity that Brexit gave them, and allowed the entire world to move here, housing them at tax payers' expense. To say nothing of that time they became full on fascists and completely destroyed our economy, every small business in the country, and the lives and opportunities of tens of millions of people over a cough. For a supposedly conservative party, they conserved nothing, and despite being voted in again and again on the promise of reversing the decline that was started by Blair and Brown, they did everything in their power to accelerate that decline, and when it came time to beg their disillusioned and disaffected voters for another chance, the best they could do was promise to send the youth to die in Ukraine, and that they were at least better than Labour.

Unfortunately for the Tories, many of their voters already knew that Labour were worse and didn't care; Labour and the Tories both represented the continuation of the decline, both sides didn't have the slightest interest in actually fixing any of the problems that they'd created, regardless of all their theatrics to the contrary. It was Reform UK, back under the command of Nigel Farage, that was actually promising to make meaningful change, and that seemed to be an honest conservative party that the disaffected right wing of Britain could rally around. On election day, the Tory vote collapsed, which led to their spectacular loss, but what's really remarkable is how badly Labour did as well. Voter turnout in 2024 was the second lowest in a century at just fifty-nine percent, and of that fifty-nine percent, Labour won just shy of thirty-four percent. It should go without saying that one third of two thirds is not a good result, it means that Labour represents as little as a fifth of eligible voters in the UK. Except it gets worse, the Tories came up second with a quarter of the vote, while newcomers, the Reform party, rocketed up to third place with fifteen percent of the vote, as well as coming in second in nearly a hundred seats. Twelve million people voted for the Tories in 2019, double the number of people who voted for them in 2024, while four million voted Reform in 2024, making it abundantly clear that Labour's victory is not a result of a swell in support for them, but a result of their opposition collapsing. 

And for the cherry on top of this turd cake, Labour actually did worse in 2024 than they did in 2019, getting nearly three quarters of a million less votes than Corbyn's Labour did when it was humiliated by Boris Johnson's Tories. The 2024 result is not a reflection of Labour's popularity or success, it is not a Labour victory, but a Tory defeat, and were Kier Starmer a smart man, he would understand the fragility of his new government and not do anything stupid. Unfortunately, Kier Starmer is not a smart man, and so joyously claimed victory in the aftermath, "we did it!" he proclaims, while his dying party stands victorious over the corpse of the party that killed itself. Now that they were back in government, Labour wasted no time in turning the entire country against them. They immediately scrapped the Tories' Rwanda policy, which was never anything more than containment for growing anti-immigrant sentiment to begin with, but then didn't bother to replace it with any other policy or containment, making it clear that they had no plan to deal with the immigration problem. Despite promising that they wouldn't raise taxes and that the math had already been done on their financial plans, they immediately identified a twenty-two billion pound black hole that they sought to fill in the worst possible ways. Starting with going against their promise not to raise taxes, which are already the highest they've been since the War, and then deciding to cut back on winter fuel allowances for pensioners, all while continuing to house illegal immigrants at the cost of millions of pounds a day, and continuing to send billions of pounds in aid to Ukraine. 

Unsurprisingly, the optics on scrapping the winter fuel allowance to save money was terrible, made even worse by the fact that before getting into government, they estimated that scrapping the winter fuel allowance could result in up to four-thousand deaths. Then there was the debacle of the prisons, which we were suddenly being told were full to bursting, and since legal reforms, deporting foreign born criminals or just building more prisons were all too sensible and therefore, too hard, Labour opted instead to let thousands of prisoners out early, including some violent offenders and people imprisoned for sex crimes. And then there was the debacle of housing and energy, as they announced their plan to start building onshore wind farms, you know, for the planet, while also planning to build houses in Green Belt areas, you know, for the planet, all the while letting out prisoners and allowing god knows how many immigrants into the country, increasing the demand for housing and energy even more. And on top of building wind farms to solve the energy crisis, they also immediately revoked drilling licenses in the North Sea that the Tories had already granted, risking getting themselves into legal trouble with energy companies who had already invested millions into North Sea drilling. And like every other western government, Labour are continuing to just not talk about Nuclear power, making ever bigger and more unrealistic promises about saving the planet, while continuing to pave over the entire country and turn it into Megacity 1. 

Back on the small scale, in their stupidity, the Tories decided to adopt a New Zealand style smoking ban that would stop anyone of or below a certain age from ever being able to buy a cigarette, a policy so bad that New Zealand abandoned it before the Tories stole the idea. Not only have Labour opted to keep the ban, they've seen fit to expand it, opting to ban smoking outdoors in public places, for why, well to save the fucking NHS, that's why, because smoking bad, never mind that it generates billions of pounds in tax revenue, and why stop at smoking, why not ban fast food TV ads during daylight hours, because fast food bad too, we must protect the health of the innocent baby children who will grow up to live in our utopian megacity where everyone lives in harmony and there are constant blackouts because of our energy policies and food shortages because we paved over every farm in Britain and can't import food anymore because we keep disrupting supply chains by funding foreign wars. Talk of protecting the NHS gets me a bit riled up as you can probably tell, after two years of having my life ruined to 'protect' it, I want it to burn, quite frankly. Most of their policies and decisions have gone down terribly with voters, even among their own supporters, as in addition to continuing to allow Britain to drown in the economic, political, cultural and ethnic sludge of globalism, they've made it abundantly clear that they do not give a shit about the native people of this country. They're literally prepared to let old people die in the thousands over the next few months, rather than stop housing migrants and funding foreign wars. They would rather Britain be a hideous jungle of eight-hundred foot tall wind turbines than allow us to be energy independent through our own fossil fuel reserves and Nuclear power, rather turn the entire United Kingdom into Delhi than address the cause of the sky high demand for housing, and flood it with violent criminals rather than address the failures of the justice system. 

But on the plus side, at least they're not as corrupt as the Tories, but after years of slamming the Tories for accepting donations from wealthy backers in exchange for access and influence, not to mention putting on a big holier than thou display about how not corrupt they are, Starmer and his wife recently got caught doing the exact same thing. It's blown up into a massive political scandal since he failed to disclose the donations, and it turns out that the backer in question, one Lord Alli had access to Downing Street, and even hosted a party in no. 10, who'd have thought. Needless to say, all of this has made Kier Starmer and his government very unpopular, in fact probably the most unpopular government in recent history, as proved by a few high profile examples of Labour MPs and even Starmer himself getting heckled, harassed and booed at in public. Starmer has brazenly declared that things will get worse before they get better, that the autumn budget will be "painful," that his government will need to do unpopular things and that he's ok with being unpopular, really hammering the point that they just don't care, hate them all you like because they hate you too. But like with the Tories and all their little lies and failures, there's an elephant in the room with Starmer's Labour, a crisis that had been brewing for years, and an opportunity for Sir Kier to show everyone just how evil he truly is. The Southport riots were not a freak event, but a release of several years' worth of building anger and anxiety over the issues of crime and immigration. For well over a decade, Britain has had problems with atrocities being perpetrated by it's more diverse elements. 

In 2013, Lee Rigby was stabbed to death by a pair of Islamists, in 2017, Islamists killed eight people and injured forty eight by ramming them with a van on London Bridge, not to be confused with the 2019 London Bridge attack where an Islamist who'd not long since been released from Prison killed two people. And in 2017, there was the Manchester Arena Bombing, where an Islamist injured over a thousand people and killed twenty two, including children. Yet whenever these attacks happened, the public were fed the line of not looking back in anger, and in 2017, Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, commented that being ready for terrorist attacks is "part and parcel of living in a major city." The political class of the country have expected the public to accept the ever-present threat of terrorism for years now, despite not being exempt from the threat themselves, as proven by the 2017 Westminster Bridge attack and the murder of David Amess. Outside of terrorism, there is the Grooming Gangs scandal, where groups of men of mostly foreign backgrounds groomed and sexually abused thousands of British girls, and were allowed to get away with it for years because the police, who were aware of the abuse, didn't want to be accused of racism. It's illegal to carry a bladed weapon in public in the UK, but in 2018, Sadiq Khan vowed to cut down on the Police's stop and search powers in London because it's racist, the result; knife crime in London and other major cities becoming so widespread and common that it doesn't even make the news anymore. Then there's the police themselves, who are pathetic. 

On top of letting organised child rapists operate for years under their noses, a Telegraph analysis recently found that in almost half of all the neighbourhoods in the country, the police haven't solved a single burglary for over three years, and the rate of charges for burglary is about five percent. The Office for National Statistics also recently reported that shoplifting has increased by more than a third from the prior twelve months, shoplifting is currently at the highest rate it's ever been. So what have the police actually been doing all this time instead of solving crimes, well naturally, they've been going after edge-lords and the most vulnerable in society. There was the famous debacle of small-time Scottish comedian Mark Meechan, known online as Count Dankula, who was charged and convicted of sending a grossly offensive communication under the Communications Act when he released a video titled; "M8 yer dugs a nazi," in which he films his girlfriend's Pug doing Nazi salutes. The incident sparked widespread outrage as the courts were being seen to be trying to make an example of Meechan for what was supposedly a terribly hateful video, but was clearly just a cringey joke. The Count Dankula shitshow is far from unique, it's merely the highest profile example of police going after people for things they've said online which violate the Communications Act, Section 127 of which prohibits the sending of "grossly offensive, indecent, obscene or menacing" messages. 

Videos emerging of the police overstepping their boundaries and being cruel is a common occurrence at this point, ranging from video of them arresting a woman for silently praying near an abortion clinic, to videos of them killing people's dogs in front of horrified onlookers, to an especially disgusting video that emerged last year of a group of officers dragging a screaming, autistic teenager out of her house for the crime of saying one of the officers "looked like her lesbian nana." And while you might expect that their twisted priorities and tyrannical practises are at least enforced equally, guess what. In 2020, at the height of the Covid lockdown, the police were more than happy to arrest and investigate people that broke the rules, unless it was politicians and pro-establishment press, and unless it was the BLM riots which were allowed to happen despite violating the Covid rules, and despite the protesters vandalising Churchill and attempting to set fire to the cenotaph. During the BLM riots, the police even went as far as taking the knee, a symbol of solidarity with the BLM movement, a movement supposedly advocating for racial justice after the supposed murder of a career criminal and fentanyl addict on the other side of the Atlantic. Last year saw the kicking off of the Israel-Palestine war, which resulted in widespread protests and riots in major cities across the UK, despite us having nothing to do with the conflict, and once again, the police took a light touch approach, allowing the protesters to cause as much disruption and trouble as they wanted. 

Only a few weeks before the Southport riots, rioting broke out in Leeds when the ethnically and culturally diverse community of Harehills turned against the police and social services that were trying to do their jobs. The police allowed the community to burn when rioters started flipping police cars, throwing bricks and starting fires. Going back to the Covid days though, when people began to organise and march against the Lockdowns, the gloves immediately came off and the riot gear came out, because it was in violation of the rules and putting people at risk, and definitely not because their anti-Lockdown message was a threat to the political establishment and its goals at the time. On the 29th of July 2024, less than a month into Starmer's premiership, an incident occurred in Southport in which a teenager who was later identified as Axel Rudakubana, a second generation immigrant and the son of Rwandan parents, went to a dance workshop and stabbed thirteen people, killing three, eleven of the victims and all three of the dead were children. While this seemed on the surface to be just another atrocity like the many others that have happened over the years, this particular one turned out to be the last straw, and years of simmering anger and hatred exploded onto the streets in several major cities across the UK, resulting in widespread rioting and disorder.  

After years of being told not to look back in anger, after Labour made it clear they had no plan to deal with immigration, after years of seeing the police treat non-white criminals with kid gloves, and after it emerged that this was a targeted attack against children, tensions reached boiling point, and it fell to the police and to the new Prime Minister to step in and calm the situation. Instead, the police withheld the identity of the attacker, and when Starmer showed up to lay flowers in Southport, he refused to engage with the crowd or even to look at them, making no effort whatsoever to look like a man who actually cared. As rumours swirled about the identity of the attacker, and as it became clear that the police and the Prime Minister didn't care about the situation, things finally kicked off. In response to the spontaneous rioting, Starmer showed his true colours, dismissing the concerns of the rioters as "illegitimate" and branding their anti-immigrant sentiment as "far right." As the days rolled on and the rioting continued, Starmer doubled down, branding anyone who was concerned about mass immigration and the safety of children as enemies of the state, and vowing that those involved in the riots or anyone who "stoked hatred" would face the full force of the law. What followed was a very public display of said force, as the police began to round up anyone and everyone who was involved in the riots, as well as anyone who expressed support for them online, and fast-tracking them through the courts, locking many of them away for hefty sentences. 

It immediately became clear that the light touch approach that other communities in Britain have enjoyed for years did not apply to the British themselves, and that examples were to be made of anyone who dared express their anger at what was being done to this country. After days of spontaneous rioting, the state managed to get control of the situation when all the major papers suddenly and mysteriously ran the exact same story of up to a hundred riots that had been planned across the country, riots that, amazingly, didn't end up happening. That didn't stop counter protesters from showing up, some of them wearing masks and carrying weapons, some of them attacking and harassing journalists on camera, some of them just getting bored and smashing up the town anyway. None of that was covered the next day though, only the peaceful show of unity, with all the papers running the same story and even the exact same picture of a massive crowd, all waving identical, professionally produced signs broadcasting their anti-racist message, almost as though the entire event was one giant psyop to get control of the situation again. Starmer and his minions may have taken back control of the streets by unleashing the full might of the suddenly very competent and hideously heavy handed police, but one thing he will never regain control of after Southport is the narrative. Sir Kier was more than happy for the police to turn a blind eye to crime carried out by his client class, but was swift and ruthless in stamping out any action taken against him, and so the nickname, Two Tier Keir was born, and it turned out to be the first of many as hatred for the man morphed into ridicule; Two Tier Keir, Keir Stalin, Granny Harmer, Free Gear Keir and so on, and at the point that the public are making up mocking nicknames for you, you really have reached peak politician. 

It's really not been that long since the election, and for a government with a supposedly massive electoral mandate, it's truly remarkable how much damage they have done in such a short time, not only to the country, but to themselves. That a party can win such a landslide and make voters miss the previous government in such a short period of time is a genuinely marvellous display of stupidity, arrogance and evil. Kier Starmer might honestly be the worst Prime Minister that the United Kingdom has ever had, he's certainly worse than Boris Johnson because at least Boris Johnson tried to be likable, whereas Starmer is evil and proud of it, he's not even human. While Labour's majority in the Commons gives them ridiculous power, the fragility of that power is getting more apparent with each passing day, if you ask me, they're already done, Labour will be wiped out in the next General Election, and I'd put money on them not even getting to 2029. But on the plus side, they've done one thing right, and that is prove that Britain needs change; it's not good enough to get Labour out and get the Tories back in, the Tories deserved destruction, and Labour aren't even pretending to be a party for the people, they are weak, pathetic tyrants who hate the public every bit as much as the public hate them, and they too deserve destruction. In recent weeks, I've begun to doubt that Reform UK is the change I wanted it to be, but quite frankly, I don't care at this point, and I don't think many people do anymore, Labour need to be destroyed and the political order of the United Kingdom needs to go with them, Britain needs change, Britain needs Reform.

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