Now, to any normal person, the answer to this conundrum is quite obvious; Captain Marvel just wasn't very good, but had feminists and social justice advocates scrambling to defend it because they'd chosen it as a bastion of their ideology, and had gone on the offensive against anyone who challenged that, dismissing them as misogynists because it's easier and more convenient than arguing back and getting their zealotry crushed. But not only do they have to mentally navigate around the existence of the Alien series, the Underworld series, the Resident Evil series, the Hunger Games series, the Tomb Raider series, Terminator one and two, and DC's female led heavy hitter; Wonder Woman, they now have to navigate around the existence of a female led action film that came in the current year, one that was still in theatres while Captain Marvel fought off the so-called misogynists, the mental gymnastics on that must be very taxing. Elsewhere on the web, we find ourselves on the Mary Sue, which, behind Rotten Tomatoes and maybe The Guardian, is one of my favourite punching bags because it's a feminist rag, a wretched hive of scum and villainy, staffed almost entirely by the very mental gymnasts that we're looking for. Somewhat recently, the Mary Sue published an article by one Chelsea Steiner titled; "How Alita: Battle Angel Found an Unlikely Fanbase in MRA Trolls," and when my favourite rag goes after my current favourite film of 2019 or anything else that I love, you know that I'm going to get involved, heaven help them if they start talking shit about Godzilla.
Our article starts off with some serious fire, talking about 'internet trolls' as though they were demons or something; they hate women running for office, not sure how that's relevant, but ok. They hate non-white people in Star Wars, because apparently there was a widespread racist backlash against Mace Windu and Lando Calrissian, oh wait, no there wasn't. I'm assuming that our author is referring to John Boyega and Kelly Marie Tran here, and in typical fashion, they are boiling the issue down to racism, because Rose Tico was awesome, totally, everyone loved her and she made a valuable contribution to the film, and she totally didn't make everything awkward by stopping Finn from Martyring himself because she fancies him. I'm not going to say that Tran and even Boyega haven't had some shit sent their way, that's the internet for you, but as usual, you're oversimplifying and generalising the problem and in doing so, ignoring the real issue. Tico wasn't a good character, her contribution to the story wasn't productive, in fact, it was one of the things that held the film back, and I'm saying that as someone who liked it. Like progressives like yourself usually do though, you're deliberately ignoring the real issue that people have because it's easier and more convenient to just call them racists. No longwinded explanation is needed for the next bit however, "and oh boy do they hate female superheroes." *cough* Wonder Woman *cough*.
Our author is right about The Mary Sue being experts however, you are very versed in spinning, misrepresenting and lying to spread your narrative, case in point, your articles are "inundated with angry comments, tweets and hate mail for angry anonymous dudes who are furious because WOMEN." I think you misspelled Wamen there, luv, it has an A in it, but do you see my point; spin, misrepresentation and lies, the Mary Sue isn't constantly under attack from angry dudes, but saying that it is is a great way to belittle and undermine the people calling you out on your shit, but that's just feminism for you, something something misogyny harassment something. But then we see something that, in this article, is unusually strong, we get some fire from our author, we get insults; likening the backlash against Captain Boring to a herpes outbreak and calling it "impotent male rage" from "men in basements", and that's all in one sentence. Remind me again author, who has the problem with who, is it men who have a problem with women, or do you have a problem with men, or, more likely, people who disagree with you, people who you will then liken to herpes and insult them as basement dwelling, impotent ragers. But returning to the story, a lot of people had a problem with Captain Boring, and unfortunately, a large part of that problem was her outspoken feminism, because feminism is cancer. And as for her "impassioned call for diversity in film journalism," you mean her belittling of white male critics because their opinions don't matter, as I said, spin and misrepresentation, Brie Larson is a bigot, and the likes of the Mary Sue will talk around that truth until the end of their days because they're all bigots too, they're just the right kind of bigot.
Oh but we're just getting started, think criticising Alita for being a "problematic trope" is peak feminism? think again. Because apparently Alita also "taps into the male fantasy of a submissive girl robot devoted to her man." What? Is that a male fantasy, having a girl robot? "Slavish devotion to Hugo" too, she's a slave now as well as a fantasy fulfilling robot. Our author goes on to give a bunch of examples of this "sexbot character" like the replicants from Blade Runner, which is a can of worms I can't be arsed to open again, and Austin Powers, a comedy that takes the piss out of James Bond, because apparently feminists are too busy finding things problematic to find "machine gun jubblies, how did I miss those, baby" funny. She also mentions the existence of such bots in films also being men sometimes, a point that kind of ruins her own point that this is entirely a male fantasy, but what can you do. I'll tell you what I can do, argue against this notion. Let's just address the word robot first, because yes, sexbots exist now, in a world where about one third of men between twenty and thirty aren't having sex, modern problems require modern solutions, I guess. But as for the notion that men like submissive women, I'm not going to deny that, I can imagine that plenty of them do, but what makes you think that this is entirely a male fantasy. Need I remind you, dear author, that Fifty Shades of Grey is a best-selling book series, and that the film trilogy based on it grossed over a billion dollars at the box office, and I don't think that was the work of men; boyfriends and husbands under duress, maybe, but not men in general. Maybe being submissive is a popular fantasy for women too, did you ever think of that. And none of that matters anyway because Alita isn't a sexbot, what a belittling thing to say, the female hero of this action film that people love is just a toy for male pleasure, sounds to me like someone's a little insecure, and possibly projecting their insecurities just a little, what's the matter, jealous?
But Alita isn't a sexbot, and I would be glad that our author can see that, but not because of how absurd and belittling it sounds, but because apparently, she's something worse; "She is a lovebot." I say again, What? For starters, she scene where she offers Hugo her heart is not early on in the film, but that's not important, what is is that you think that her love for Hugo is unearned, and that this somehow belittles Alita as a character, reduces her to a "lovebot" which is somehow worse than a sexbot. I'm very curious as to why you think this is worse, never mind that it's nonsense anyway. I mean, I can at least see why a feminist such as yourself would have an issue with sexbots, because of the whole sexual objectification thing and men not seeing women as anything more than objects for their pleasure, not that it's true, but I can understand that, but a lovebot? what's wrong with a man wanting to be loved, and what's wrong with a woman being unshakably in love with a man, or do you think that a woman who gives herself to a man in this way is objectifying herself against her own wishes and best interests, because, again, Fifty Shades. But how is Alita loving Hugo problematic, does it tap into some male fantasy about being loved by women, because that would be evil, how dare men for wanting to be loved, those pigs.
The Wrong Kind of Woman
I think the problem isn't that these fans hate women, it's that they hate feminism, which, to a feminist, might as well mean the same thing because they're all idiots. And like a disease, these evil, vile, repulsive MRA trolls infect everything they touch, like Herpes, am I right, author? So it doesn't matter how much of a badass Alita is, or how empowered she is, feminists and progressives will jump through as many hoops as it takes to justify ignoring the relevance of Alita: Battle Angel in this culture war, a war that Alita: Battle Angel has no part in outside of what it's come to represent in the shadow of Captain Marvel. And this also proves, again, that feminists don't really care about women in film or female empowerment; if they did, they'd be celebrating Alita as a hero for women, but they don't want that, they want a film that'll pat them on the back, that'll tell them they're right, and Captain Marvel is that film, so here we are. Because people like you, author, may think that you know what female empowerment is, but you don't; female empowerment isn't a hero who can't fail, who never feels pain and is absolutely morally righteous, it's a hero doing the right thing, no matter how much it costs, no matter how much it hurts. It doesn't matter how hard she can punch or if she can fly, what matters is what beats inside her chest, and Alita's heart is literally powerful enough to power a city. But by all means, surrender more ground to your mortal enemy, give them more ammunition to fight you with, I'm sure it's worth it to not taint yourself with their misogynistic adoration of a female action hero.
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